55gl reef lighting


Yes 2 250W will work. Actinic supplement is not necesary but most people prefer the color of the MH run with Actinic. Unless you go with 20K or 14K MH bulbs you will have a very yellow looking tank without Actinic of some type, wether it be VHO, PC, T-5 or NO. Actinic supplement will also give you the chance to do dawn dusk simulation with the lights.


New Member
I have the same size tank with 2 175W MH and 2 96W PC. That gives me 9.8 wats of lighting per gallon compared to 2 250W mh that will give you 9.0 (with out any other Actinic lights). The stronger the lighting the more choices you have of specimen to put in your tank. I was told by my LFS that my setup would be correct lighting. I am very happy with the setup.
Remember, my comments are only suggestions they are not of professional experience. You should ask a reliable aquarium store or lighting specialist.