58 gallon



I was thinking about switching my 58 gallon reef tank over to aggressive fish only..... What do you guys think. What is the biggest fish I could put in it, and how many. IS their any sharks that could be put in here.


Active Member
im no expert but Definantly no sharks......and you will be VERY limited to how many fish you can have in a tank that small


Active Member
Sorry but a shark would not work in that small of a tank. The bare minimum for a bamboo shark is said to be a 125 and even that is questionable. I do belive a dwarf lion or a snow flke eel or even a niger trigger.


i like flame hawks, hawaiian whitespotted puffers, maroon clowns, and i dont like yellow tangs, but you could probably get away with one in a 58.


by the way, get a snowflake for sure, i just got one the other day and it is the coolest fish i have ever had. so pretty and active and fun to watch. i just need to get him to eat now....
most people would say you should have a bigger tank to go aggressive, but i think if you have a good skimmer and keep your fish count down a bit, you should be ok. something like this
sf eel
flame hawk
small puffer
dwarf lion or yellow tang.
that would give some color to your tank as well.
good luck


Active Member
i would just keep the reef
Mitzel, the smallest shark avaiable would be a coral cat shark, which could be kept in a small tank for a minimal amount of time, a nice starting tank for one would be a 125gal, but will need to upgrade later in th future.