Oceanic 58g corner tank with matching black stand=250 pick up only
silent overflow skimmer rated to 600 gallons with utube design=50 shipped
titanium tube heater with temp probe and thermostat 150w=30 shipped
bunch of powerheads 15 shipped each!!!!
bunch of 24inch pc lights 15 shipped each!!!!
eheim canister filter 30 shipped!!!!
HOB emperor filters 25 shipped!!!!!
ph meter digital very accurate 20 shipped
elephant ear 12 inches wide 50 shipped
LTA 12 inches wide 40 shipped
leather toadstool-SOLD
live rock 2$/ lb (mostly rubble) one 5 lb piece of fiji shelf with gsps-40 shipped.
Live sand 1$/lb
purple shrooms-SOLD
red shrooms 10 shipped (only one big shroom)
elephant shrooms -SOLD
pagoda cup-30 shipped!!!! GREAT PRICE BEAUTIFUL CUP
octobubbles 10-20 shipped (depending on size ranging from a nickle to a golfball