ok so i setted up my girlfriends future tank
- 4 gallons of water from my 29gal biocube
- 1 gallon premix oceanic saltwater
- 3 lbs live sand from 29gal biocube
- 2 lbs crushed coral
- 2 lbs live rock from biocube
- some small coral frags from biocube
- 1 astrea snail from biocube
i will stop by my LFS for 3 or 4 more lbs of live rock tomorrow.
i have a few questions though will this list work for this tank?
- 1 yellow clown goby
- 1 brown/red clown goby
- 2 sexy shrimp
- 1 nassirus snail
- 2 blue legged hermit crabs
- 1 turbo snail
- some small coral frags
- zoo's
- mushroom's
- those green saltwater grass
please let me know if this would work or what i should change/add/remove on the list thanks guys
i will post picture's up soon