6-7" Hippo tang


Hi guys,
I found this amazing 6-7" Hippo tang at my LFS, the blue is still strong but the yellow on its tail is faded a bit. I think I am picking it up tonight, would you guys recommended a tang this size?
It will stay in a 40gal QT tank then after undergoing hyposalinity for 4-6 weeks, I will move it to my new 180gal tank.
Thanks, F.
Why put the fish through hypo if you haven't seen any signs of ick? I would put him in QT 1st and see if you notice any problems before doing a hypo.


Because you can never tell for sure if he does or does not have ick, and I do not want to introduce anything to my DT which is already undergoing hypo itself :) GO HYPO GO!!
Originally Posted by kouma
Because you can never tell for sure if he does or does not have ick, and I do not want to introduce anything to my DT which is already undergoing hypo itself :) GO HYPO GO!!
Sounds like you learned the hard way. Hope your LR and all is out of that DT! I would have hypo'd my DT but moving all that LR and inverts would have been a pain!

saka bra

i love big fish. my hippo is about 6-7 inches and very fat. i picked him up about a year ago at my lfs. beautiful fish, great fish and mine is very hardy



Originally Posted by saka bra
i love big fish. my hippo is about 6-7 inches and very fat
. i picked him up about a year ago at my lfs. beautiful fish, great fish and mine is very hardy
I love big fish too :) I have a 5-6" yellow tang (size of a cdrom when it spreads its fins), a 6" koran angel, and a 6-7" blue tang who is thick as hell.
I ended up having to go hypo for blue tang. One day after I put him in QT, he established a bad case of ick..the white dots were huge and covered him, I thought he was a goner. I gave him a 7 mins fw dip. Then over a period of two hours, I have lowered salinty to 1.013. Then took him out, gave him another fw dip for 6 mins. Then returned him back to a QT of 1.009.
Now 3 days into the QT and he looks great. Already eating, but I will keep a close eye on him for the next month of so..


Active Member
sounds good but i like to start with smaller hippos and fish in general.
i like to seem them get larger and grow and what not.
the tiny hippos look really cool too


Hypo him. Hippos are notorious for carrying parasites. Hypo will not harm him at all. It will cleans his kidneys at least.


Originally Posted by bill109
sounds good but i like to start with smaller hippos and fish in general.
i like to seem them get larger and grow and what not.
the tiny hippos look really cool too

I second that. I find it very rewarding to buy freshwater and my saltwater fish as juveniles and watching them grow up. I bought a hippo tang a few months ago when he was the size of my pinkie nail and it's amazing how much he has grown. He is now probably the size of half my thumb. I also did the same thing with my emperor angel. He still has his juvenile coloration and I'm looking forward to watching him change coloration in the next year or two.


Originally Posted by roberteb
I second that. I find it very rewarding to buy freshwater and my saltwater fish as juveniles and watching them grow up. I bought a hippo tang a few months ago when he was the size of my pinkie nail and it's amazing how much he has grown. He is now probably the size of half my thumb. I also did the same thing with my emperor angel. He still has his juvenile coloration and I'm looking forward to watching him change coloration in the next year or two.
Either you have a large pinkie nail or that was one small baby fish!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by roberteb
I second that. I find it very rewarding to buy freshwater and my saltwater fish as juveniles and watching them grow up. I bought a hippo tang a few months ago when he was the size of my pinkie nail and it's amazing how much he has grown. He is now probably the size of half my thumb. I also did the same thing with my emperor angel. He still has his juvenile coloration and I'm looking forward to watching him change coloration in the next year or two.

ah to him that is a baby fish. that hippo should come close to double the size he bought it. There is 1 at my LFS in a 90 all by himself. The guy has has it since it was baby in the same tank. Its about 11 inches long. Gorgeous fish. Full of color with a crap load of corals.


Originally Posted by brianbeme80
Either you have a large pinkie nail or that was one small baby fish!!

He was indeed tiny & was only $24. He was extremely shy at first but is now coming out of his shell. He likes to swim around with the school of blue/green chromis. He has more than doubled in sized since I bought him.