6" Cat Shark


Active Member
I have one that I payed about 5 bucks for. It is in with a green spotted puffer and a couple of turtles in a brack tank. It is like have a bala shark or something. More like a mini catfish that shark. And he eats like a pig.


Anyone have any more info on them? I used to have a FW catshark before but it looked a little differen't than that one.


only thing it might eat would be a shrimp but i wouldnt think it would...they cant see for beans. i even spot feed mine sometimes


Originally Posted by Evanish
Would they be reef-safe?
They will eat anything that fits in there mouth but are not agressive. They don't pick on anything and become quite lazy when they get large.


Might have to look into one when I start my large system. Planning on a couple hundred gallon system for our basement.


brine when was smaller and thought it had some nutritional value now he eats mysis, silversides, krill and shrimp from the grocery store


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adamc1303
Hey what's everyone feeding them?

Where did you buy him? I would like to get one.


New Member
I tried to make these work in freshwater and they wouldn't last longer than two weeks. Then I read that they need salt and can be converted over to full saltwater.
I now have 5 in my 55 gallon saltwater tank. I bought them from Meijer for $3 ea and they were about an inch big. Now six months later they are about 4" and I will need to upgrade soon.
They are awsome


Active Member
OK, it is a pet peeve of mine that these are called sharks. :hilarious
If you want a giant catfish in your tank, then that is great...but they are catfish, and not sharks

I would not consider them reef safe. I would consider them a threat to lots of things because they would not be all that picky (consider how people fish for catfish).
They will likely not eat corals...but they get large, and may bulldoze or cause other problems in a tank. Like other catfish, watch for the spines in the dorsal and pectoral fins.
IMO, for any LFS to sell an animal with this misinformation, it is personally a sign to shop elsewhere. It is one thing to say "hey this is a catfish and can live in saltwater" and another to call them a cat shark (which is a specific type of shark in the hobby).


I dont think its possible to confuse a Columbian Cat shark with a marble or any REAL cat shark...Thats just what they call them at the petstore or black fin catfish...i dont think anyone is dumb enough to think that they are real sharks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeftank27
I dont think its possible to confuse a Columbian Cat shark with a marble or any REAL cat shark...Thats just what they call them at the petstore or black fin catfish...i dont think anyone is dumb enough to think that they are real sharks.

You would be surprised. People call them sharks...people often believe they ARE sharks. Seriously, they do.


Well,personaly I think the word shark sells more than catfish. You simply tweek the name and you can double output.JMO