6 gallon nano help

hello, i will be starting up a 6 gallon nano tank in a few days and once it is done cycling i was curious to what could actually fit in there.... could anyone tell me anything that can/ can't go in there such as fish/inverts/corals. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks


small ones. l0l
get some specialized animals, maybe a couple sexy shrimp with just mushrooms and zoos, or just have an invert tank. Research. DONT rush, and know what you are getting before you get it.
Best wishes


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth
is there a clown small enough that I could put in there and any type of coral that it would host? don't worry i won't even be adding anything until after it cycles so by then I will have read enough to know what to do just wanted a little idea of what I could do... and I was also thinking of a yellow watchman goby... possible? thanks


A 6 gallon tank is really small and you get a lot of temperature and salinity shift through out the day. With that size you are better off going with some brightly colored corals and a few of the smaller shrimp and snails.
ok... what kind of corals are good for that size? and what are some bright colored ones... I want to it look really nice, although I realize I won't be able to have much of anything. thanks


I have a 5.5 gallon and keep a high fin goby/Tiger Pistol shrimp pair. Corals are mostly softies, including zoos, kenya tree, xenia, shrooms, etc. I have found that there is a small temp swing. I am running a coralife 12" 36 watt, so the tank goes from 77 in the morning to about 82 by the time the lights shut off. Still trying to work this out.


Zoas, mush, ricordia, acans, favia. I would be careful with xenia, it can get large and has a way of spreading everywhere.
ok thank you very much for the responses also... how close can corals be put next to each other? i'm just not sure if it will matter if they touch.... also with like zoos if I bought a small frag do they eventually spread to off of the frag? thanks


Don't fear the 6 gallon tank. I have one, and it is my first tank and is doing great. I have a cleaner shrimp, some zoanthids and shrooms and ricordias. Eventually zoanthids will spread to another rock, but it helps to upgrade the lights that come in the tank. I bought a tank from nanocustoms, but they also sell kits for better lighting. I have 54 watts on my tank and it is pretty sweet. You should look into those upgrade kits or replacement tops, especially if you want your zoas to spread.


Active Member
You could put pompom crabs in the mini tank.
They are colorful and animated... and teeny weeny
Heres mine- but hes in my display tank
