6 gallon nano in progress!!!!

aquascape is done....but its too cloudy to get a good pic.
inevitabely im sure its going to cycle again so i dunno if ill bring anything home saturday....ill check lvls tonight.


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
aquascape is done....but its too cloudy to get a good pic.
inevitabely im sure its going to cycle again so i dunno if ill bring anything home saturday....ill check lvls tonight.
youll probably only go through a mini cycle maybe a couple of days or so if that.
I HOPE....i wanna bring home a seahorse from the beach.
last time there was a vibrant green one with gray markings....i caught it and i thought i wasnt ready for it....tank had no lr or nothing. hope i can get this cycle done.
got any information on flounders? i can catch 1 of those out there too...its like 1/2 inch


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
I HOPE....i wanna bring home a seahorse from the beach.
last time there was a vibrant green one with gray markings....i caught it and i thought i wasnt ready for it....tank had no lr or nothing. hope i can get this cycle done.
got any information on flounders? i can catch 1 of those out there too...its like 1/2 inch
i would be very careful when bringing wild things into your tank as they might not eat for a while or something. As for seahorses i would read the seahorse threads to learn as much as you can before you do anything (dont want to kill something that cool because you did something stupid)


I just looked at the seahorses for sale on this site and it said that they mostly eat live shrimp (brine, mysis) so make sure you can provide that for them before you bring them home. I would not try to feed them frozen right off the bat since they are wild but you should be able to switch them over no problem.


i kinda figured you did but wanted to make sure because you would need to start breeding brine a couple days befor you get the seahorse.


I wish i lived down in florida where i could just get stuff like that.
When i was down in Miami with my fiance and best friend i caught an octopus and a porcupine puffer, coolest things ever.
For our honeymoon we are going to South Carolina and we're staying on the beach and i hope i can catch some really cool things, and if we can keep them alive we might even bring them home and QT them for a couple of weeks then put them in one of our tanks (we'll make sure we know what they are first though) We will be driving down there so that none of this is a problem.
THANKS...i know what to do and what not to....thanks to grouper guy.....read the laws and such of florida b4 telling me k?
here are some long awaited shots (went to a bday party)



looking goood. I would get rid of that damsel if I were you. They become a problem whenthey get bigger.


Where have you been? have you done anything new to your tank, new fish, new corals, anything?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rattler739
Where have you been? have you done anything new to your tank, new fish, new corals, anything?
