6 line in nano?


Will a six line wrasse be okay to put in a 24 gallon nano cube?

My other fish are 2 sunset clowns, sally lightfoot, a green brittlestar, and
various hard and soft corals. The tank has been going for 8 months :joy:


Active Member
Pushin it, but probably. Consider the 4 line instead, its from Hawaii and is net caught.


I have 2 clowns and a 6 line wrasse in a 12 gal nano for 8 months now and everyone is doing fine. With lots of corals and cleaner crew.


bsp, what clowns do you have? I am wondering if my sunset clowns will push around a six- or four- line wrasse. They don't usually fight but are a little pushy, and I think they once took down a blood shrimp.


I have false perculas and are not very big,but they don't both the 6 line wrasse. They are also farm raised,maybe that's why.


i think its hit or miss. a little risky to me. mine didnt last long in my 12, but its different from everyone.


Active Member
Not to be ignorant, but what is a sunset clown? I have not learned anything today, this just might be it. :thinking:


Thanx all for the advice!
hot883, I did'nt know what a sunset clown was either until I bought them. They are like cinnomon clowns but are darker in thier body. :joy: They are around a year old and have not developed thier color fully, or so I'm told.
Also, I was looking in to getting a lawnmower blenny to help with my algea problem. However, I have read an article on the net on how they can't be kept in tanks less than 50 gallons. Can anyone second this? My algea should go away within a couple months, and if it does I will probibly be getting a six line wrasse, based on this board's advice. If not, I might look in to the blenny?