6 - Line loss


This morning I awoke to find my Six-Line Wrass on the bottom of the tank. I could not find any marks on the fish that would lead me to believe any injury or illness caused the death. It was eating mysis and flakes. I did note yestrday that it was not out as much, but when it did come out it was swimming normally.
My water peramiters are all fine. The only thing out of the ordinary is that my LTA was sucked into one of my powerheads over the weekend. While he extraxted himself, he may not make it. I have since put foam over the powerheads to prevent this from happening again. Could his injury put a toxin in water? All others seem to be doing well.
I have 2 perc clowns, two Banggai cards, Algea Blennie, Red Firefish, asstd. clean up crew. 72 bow 120# LS, 90# LR.


:( :( :( :( :( Sad Sad Day
I am sorry to hear about the fish, your assumption about the LTA would make sense, have any other fish shown any signs of stress? Not an expert by any means, but gald to see you foamed the PH