6 line wrasse


Active Member
Anybody got a six line wrasse? Are they reef safe? How hardy are they? I want one for my 180. Just in case I have a problem with him in there, could I put him in a reef 46? I was just wondering.


Active Member
There reef safe, they are pretty hardy to and eat pods and just about anything else you throw in.


Active Member
One of the great additions to any reef in my opinion. They are very active an visible within any tank.


i recently just added one to my 180 and all is well, very active fish and great colors. it searches my rocks and sandbed for everything to eat good addition imo.


from what i understand, they eat bristleworms. they also will harass and eat small shrimp. i was going to get one for my 10, but i have a couple sexy shrimps in there. cool fish and great colors, but a little unpredictable from my research. let us know.


Active Member
hey tony good to see you on. I thought that you got rid of your tanks?? or just the shark one?
I am thinking that I am going to add one to my 180. Perhaps I might just add it to my reef. However I do have a pistol shrimp in my tank. I also have a mandarin, and scooter blenny. I know that they eat pods as well. I don't really want to add another pod eating fish. I will have to think about that one.
Thanks guys,


The sixline is by far one of the coolest fish I've had. The way it moves through the water and the way it moves its eyes make it very fun to watch. If you have ANY sort of pod population that you care to keep, however, I'd caution you that the sixline will get FAT eating all your pods and worms! One more thing, make sure your tank is covered. The sixline I had for 9 mos. decided to go carpet surfing... I hear all wrasses need to be kept in covered tanks.


Active Member
ill also have to agree to the sixline being a good addition... although mine out competed my mandrian for food, the mandrian starved before i could catch him and try and save him


Active Member
I just added my first one last week..I'm hoping it does a number on my flatworms, if not then I still have a nice looking fish.


Are the agressive fish? When should they be added? I have a healthy population of different colored flat worms and would love to get rid of them.


Sixline wrasses are such great fish! I have mine in my 39 gal reef and he doesnt touch any corals or inverts at all. He gets along fine with the other fish, and loves to swim in and out of rocks...very entertaining. They like to eat higher protien foods rather than the spirulina based flakes, etc. I have heard they eat flatworms and bristles...not sure if its true!
One more thing, I did have one before this one, but he jumped out during a water change...so beware!


i have one in my 120 gal reef and he is the coolest. Great colors and well... and all the good stuff everyone else said.
They form a cocoon around themselves at night so predators won't be able to find them. It is interesting to see but the first time I saw it, I thought he was dying and startled him...then he kept bumping into the glass sides of the tank. It seems their eyes have to adjust when they come out of the cocoon. A very neat fish to have.


Active Member
you should consider a leopard wrasse as well; one or the other, not both.
the leopard is a striking fish.


Active Member
I know what you mean Tony. I am so busy for my two tanks now a days. i was gonna get rid of my 46, and just have the 180. But I have the ray, and aggressive in the 180, and a reef in the 46. So I still have both. When the 180 clears out someday, I will transfer the reef to the 180. It is much easier to take care of.
Talk to you soon,
L babe


Active Member
my sixline in my 40 is really neat.he was pretty docile to my cleaner shrimp then one day a couple of mushrooms frgas died and the shrimp was cleaning the rock and the wrasse wanted some as well but they couldnt agree and the sixlined wrasse started with some shrimp legs and i left the house....came back and no shrimp.he was neat too.:yes: