6-line wrasse?


Active Member
I've been reading an encyclopedia on saltwater aquariums about the 6-line wrasse. That book says that when acclimating the 6-line, they will tend to lay on the sand and breathe heavily, and a healthy one, for a few days? Has anyone had that happen. I have been considering adding a 6-line, but I have a very active clean up crew and I would be a little bit afraid that they would have a very colorful lunch if something like that happened. I have drip acclimated what I have so far, just the clean up crew and 2 clowns.
I'm just wondering if putting one of these fish in would be a good idea if acclimation is so hard on them.
Thanks everyone.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
HI Lisa- from what I have read they may enclose themselves in a cacoon like structure when they do this, or bury in to the sand a bit. I have been researching them as well, and went out to shop one today. Hope you get some good insight on this thread, I have only heard positive feedback of them on this site. :happyfish


Active Member
Now that you post that, I think I have heard of some fish doing that. I saw a 6-line at my LFS and he's beautiful, healthy and will do well in my tank, but not for another couple of weeks...just put my clowns in last week.
Thanks for your input.
Lisa :happyfish


when i put mine in, he went in like everyone else. no layin on the sand? hes one of my favoite fish. they help with bristle worms too. he hovers over the rocks not goin to far from them. he did get stuck in the overflow, twice.


That happened to me with my firefish. They go into the overflow box all of the time, and the last time it happened one of them got so stressed out that he kicked the bucket. My solution to this annoying problem was to buy some mesh and then silicone it around the overflow, so that they cant get in.


Active Member
That's very encouraging. I'm looking at probably going with a 6-line and a coral beauty yet...color, color, color....
So, I'm thinking that it would be advisable to add the 6-line before the coral beauty, or can I add them together? 37gal tank, water levels to this point are very stable and I keep a very watchful eye on everything.
Suggestions welcome and appreciated.
Lisa :happyfish


I have both of them and I think I got then the same day but you may want to do your six line first for you tank is much smaller then mine


Active Member
Originally Posted by jjlittle
I have both of them and I think I got then the same day but you may want to do your six line first for you tank is much smaller then mine
Yeah, that's what I was wondering about. If it looks like it would work out, then that's what I'll do 6-stripe first (in a couple of weeks), and then the coral beauty about 3-4 weeks after that.
Lisa :happyfish


I'm acclimating one as I type this. Ended up with some flatworms on some things I picked up this weekend and hope it'll help. I've been wanting one for a while now I just had a good excuse. He's laying on his side as he's acclimating. I'll let u know.


i have them both, i think the coral beauty came first. they get along. well they dont bother each other. the same day should be fine.


Active Member
How are you acclimating him? and for how long do you plan on acclimating him? drip?
Lisa :happyfish


I have one and mine has been very active since day one. Mine tends to swim on his own and doesnt really socialize with the others. (Warning: Mine ate all of my mini stars)


Active Member
Mine really took to the tank immediately. He was the 5th fish I introduced into my tank.
They are definitely a predator fish. Mine hunts the rocks non stop for snacks. I'm working on setting up a refugium (he eats frozen fine, but like I said he likes to hunt).
Very interesting fish. Mine went exploring and probably went into, through, and around every piece of live rock in my tank in his first day.
No problem acclimating. I've read that they may burrow in the sand, but I can't confirm this.


I dripped for about 2-3 hours. It got pretty late when I finally dropped him in and now it's early in the am so I haven't seen it. I'll check after work and update then.


Active Member
Lisa, I think it is up to you as too how many fish to add at once. You could do one at a time or both at once. I almost prefer adding two at once since things inside the tank are tense for a smaller amount of time. I would just be ready to do an extra water change during the week if need be. You may see a small (trace) ammonia spike for a day or two any time you add fish, and in my experience it is no different if one or two small fish are added. Then again we both have done two as our fist additions and maybe 0 to 2 is easier than 2 to 4. :notsure: I like all my little stars, I hand feed them a couple of times a week. That may ruin it for me with the wrasses. What does your daughter think of the (her) new fish?


both my tri color fairy and purple parrot did the lay up against the LR trick. Left the lights off all night and they did fine. These two tend to burrow under the sand/LR for shelter and when spooked. Yours should be fine later today. Have heard the six line can get aggressive so be careful adding new fish later on.


Active Member
Not really sure about how to go about doing this. With the responses I've had at this point, I'm thinking that maybe adding the two fish together would be best. I just don't want the wrasse getting aggressive with my clowns, that concerns me for sure. BUT, these would be the last fish added into the tank, so maybe aggressiveness will not be an issue. I guess I'm feeling kinda back and forth about choosing one for my tank. I need to do a little more research and reading. Will let you know what I decide, when I decide.
Lisa :happyfish


the only problem i had with the 6line was with a dottyback. i think the dotty chased him around. but they were fine nutitn to bad


Active Member
Good luck making your decision Lisa, worst case scenario the new guy needs to be returned right?? :) Do your clowns swim in the whole tank or do they hover in their own spot?