6-line wrasse?


WHen I got my Six line he started swimming around immediatel but I think alot of it probably has to do with how stressed out they get too


Hi Mona,
I'm sure you've seen threads of mine on my Six Line but I absolutely love him. I didn't have one problem acclimating him and when I put him in he swam all around. About the cocoon. I didn't know they did that and when I woke the next morning he was at the bottom of one of my rocks in that cocoon they make. I read it's so others can't smell them. I thought he was dead and ran to the computer and did a search. After I found out that's what they make for protection, I was relieved. Now I think it's the coolest thing. He now has a home inside one of the rocks and I don't see him in the morning until the lights have been on for a while. He has added so much life to the tank. I really enjoy watching him. Good luck. Ant.
PS-I added my 6 line after my clowns had been in for two weeks and they all did just fine. Plus, I only have a 20 gal. They swim around together a lot.


so do they make the cocoon every nite? or only once when they're put into the tank? i havent seen mine do that?


I had one that would make a sack most nights to sleep in. In the morning after he left the clean up crew would take it down for him. This all before one day he snapped and took out two of my shrimp. I had to take him back to the LFS. I hear this is rare in 6-lines, but that it does happen every now and then. I went with a bi-color blenny for now, but would someday like to get another 6-line. They are fun to watch!


As far as I have seen he breaks out of it and it just breaks down. He does it every night but now that he sleeps in one of the rocks at night I can't see him. In the morning when he wakes up all I see sometimes is the web floating around.


wow that amazing, thats y i love this hobby so much. u learn cool stuff everyday. to see a fish do that, well it makes me feel better about spending $2000 on a fish tank!lol


Active Member
I think that I've decided that I am going to add my 6-line and the coral beauty together next weekend (not this weekend, clowns only in for 2 weeks). I can see how adding both at once will cut down a little on the stress in the tank. After reading responses on this thread, there is more positive than other in adding a 6-line, and I definitely want him and the coral beauty.
So...any responses on this is more than welcome. I'm excited, and so is my daughter, that I've finally made up my mind about this!!!
Input definitely welcomed...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
We're getting them at the LFS where we bought our first babies. I know the saltwater manager and get along with her very well...and I don't think she'll give me a bum deal...cuz she knows me too. Also, I do other business with her, and I've always been very impressed with her.
OK, now I'm getting excited...shoot...hafta wait til next weekend.

Lisa :happyfish


HI Mona, you post alot on my threads too!! Hi Fishmamma!! I LOVE my 6 line...he was the 3rd fish in for me....my 2 maroons and then him. He is fantastic and is very active around the tank. Mine loves to swim alone but does at times hang out with my maroons. I never see him sleep, he hides so if he does that cacoon thing, I have never seen it,but he has slept behind a shell skeleton for a while..not sure if he still goes back there. A fish definitely worth having... :cheer:


well i was at the lfs for their new shipment. and they got a couple six-lines in, and i looked into the bag and i saw the cacoon. u guys are talkin about. it was pretty neat to see it.


Active Member
I'm getting really excited about our new fish...I just hope they get along with the current residents...?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
For those of you who know him and his story, Speedy is out and about tonight, rare sight, but definitely good to see. WOOHOOO!!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I love the 6 line also. My LFS had them on sale for $12.99 a piece. I wanted one so bad but i was still cycling at the time.