6 line wrasse


I have noticed a bunch of bristle worms or whatever you want to call them in my tank, could I have a 6 line with a yellow watchmen goby and corals?
Also what else can you do to get rid of the worms


Active Member
Six lines are reef friendly and will eat smaller bristle worms. They often become aggressive with age and small shy fish can be at risk, so the goby might be pestered.
Bristle worms are not a threat to your system. They are good detrivores and help move the top layer of sand. Leave them be.


i have about 3 weeks with my 6line and he has adjusted great......make sure you have plenty of liverock.......i've seen him go after the bristle worms but you don't really want to get rid of them...i thought they were beneficial to your tank :notsure: :notsure:


well I would be fine with like one or two bristle worms but this LR I just got has more like 10-15 small ones and I was going to go get a fish today anyways, and another PW because my Lr came with some coral on it and I want more coral too, but Ill see what happens.(The amount of bristle worms arn't from me overfeeding they came in the LR I just got so don't call me an over feeder


Active Member
i have a sixline in my 55 and i love it. perfect citizen. just be careful about adding fish after he's in there. they usually dont take new tank mates well.