6-line Wrassel


Thinking about ordering a 6line....what is the take on this fellow for a reef...good and bad. Reef tank 240 gal.... thanks

nm reef

Active Member
A very interesting reef safe wrasse...they can bother smaller fish and will munch pods. I've seen them eat worms....plus they will accept most flake & meaty foods offered. They are for the most part peaceful...spending the days darting in and out of the reef looking for bits to eat. A good choice especially for a larger system such as yours...a note of caution though...they are jumpers...mine went carpet surfing one too many times!:cool:


Just trying to ck out..had a Lunar wrassel and had to take him back...Also how many 6-lines together....it is a 240 tank...will two live together?


Active Member
Can't vouch for pairs of them...but more agreement on them being just fine (if not good) in a reef. I just got one last week and couldn't be happier with it. One of my friends has had one in his 90 from the beginning--it's a great lil fish.


I really liked the one i had----before i get another i will have to make sure he CAN'T JUMP OUT!!! :eek:


Someone near me has 2 in a 180 - he says there are no problems with them.
But yeah, they'll get your pod population down in a hurry. Another guy I know says his 6-line eats those baby brittle stars, pulls them out and plays with them...