6 month anniversary...i got coraline algae!! thanks for everyones help along the way!


well i'm about to hit the 6 month mark on my 75 and in the last couple days i've been starting to notice small patches of dark pink coraline algae on the glass!! i wasn't really expecting it due to my weak lighting so it was definatly a surprise...
i have also noticed a big decrease in brown algae (diatoms) and my sandbed which is only the HD stuff is starting to develop some green algae under the surface, as well as some small worm-like things that seem to be tunneling around...
from what i've read on this board these are all goods signs in the development of my system.
so i just wanted to thank everyone who has advised me along the way...


Active Member
my rocks in my 75 agressive are starting to get some great purple coraline on them. most of them are now half way covered with it. i just hope my trigger/wrasse wont eat it or anything. the only thing i have noticed is some metalic green looking stuff on my lr. is this die off? i really hope not......bo


2 NO 40 watt flouresant...i am noticing new spots everyday all sides of the glass!!
also the rio i had on my skimmer went out about 3 weeks ago and haven't replaced it yet (well i bought a new maxijet but haven't gotten the tubing yet to connect it) and my water quality is still great with nothing but my LR and southdown dsb...
everything is going better than i expected at this point...
thanks again
[ September 07, 2001: Message edited by: justchillin ]


wow that's cool just chilling..
congrat!!!! i am getting a lot of coraline algae on the rock with 2 40W on my 55G..
you live in NO.VA? same here i live in centreville......
what's your favorite fish store?..
any information exchange?


as far as i know i'm not allowed to give names of fish stores on this site...
but i go to 2 stores in alexandria...they are ok, but to be honest i haven't bought any livestock in a while and i got my LR online...


what does the coraline algae do in the tank?
i have some red and purple and i also have the bright green like the other poster mentioned.


i'm not sure what if any purpose coraline algae has, other than looking good...from what i've read it is supose to be a good sign...
does anyone know of any benifits of coraline algae??
oh, by the way, i'm still noticing more and more every day...is this normal in a tank with only 80 total watts of NO lights??


Coraline algae helps reduce the other nuisance algaes in the tank. Since coraline is calcerous (sp?) it will cover the rocks and glass almost like paint, preventing other macro or micro algaes from growing and taking over (hair algaes etc). Coraline from what I know will typically grow as long as calcium levels are ok and such. Coraline is definitely a good thing and a sign your tank is maturing. Over the next few months coraline will be on everything. Right now my tank has coraline all over my rocks, my pumps, suction cups , glass, hermit crab shells etc.


Oh i c..
I know this place in MD near IndianHead HWY
it's very nice place..
you name the fish they got it..
and good price..
Flame Angel only toowanty dollar..
and corals are cheap as well.
good luck..