6 month old 30 Gallon..........


I posted some pics earlier in this post
And I posted some updates down below, it really has been a learning process for me. I killed the first frogspawn when I put a diy sump in, and removed the canister filter. Everything else is good except I had an issue that started a month ago when I put the new frogspawn in. I put it too close to the Flame's home and he freeked out. He got HLLE but is really recovering well after I moved the frogspawn, removed the carbon, and started feeding him a better variety of food. P.S. the female clown and Flame Angel took a bite out of eachothers fins
they are alot better now with the frogspawn moved.


d0 thy d3w

where the heck does everyone one this site get their LR??!?!!? all the lfs around here sell this crappy crust coral chunk lookin stuff that comes in lengths varying from 2-5 inches, they call it "live rock" and it sells for 7.99 per pound!! also its kep in a tank filled with gross pukish yellow colored water!!! looks like sumone filled it with really nast fuge water or sumthing! and the only other stuff i can get without selling my kidneys is small rubble sized base rock!!


Nice setup! You give me hope for my new 30 gal although I don't have a sump or fuge so the back of my tank is cluttered for now.


i dont mean to steal the thread and ur tank looks great but i want a frogspwn if i buy a small one do they get much bigger then they r when u buy them and how long do they take to grow


Active Member
Originally Posted by whackamole
i dont mean to steal the thread and ur tank looks great but i want a frogspwn if i buy a small one do they get much bigger then they r when u buy them and how long do they take to grow
yeah i was wonderin as well.. how muh light do they need.. how much light do you hvave on your 30


Active Member
I cant answer for him, but I've had a frogspawn that has grown 3 times its size in 8 months in my 29 gal. I dont know what my light is exactly, but its better than pc, but not t-5... somewhere in between that, its been a while since ive had to know that one


Active Member
Your tank looks awsome.. I have a 29 soon to be reef and this helps me think of aquascaping thanks .. Tank looks great


Thanks for the comments, I'm not sure how frogspawn grows, as I am fairly new too, I would think that it grows by branching out from the base.
I run a 130 watt PCs. They do great for what I want and have.
Sorry for not answering earlier I was out of town, and glad to see everyone was alive in the tank when I got back this morning.
Now that it is winter I always have to top off, and watch the salinity and Ph. This I assume is a big problem for smaller tanks like mine. I want something bigger(duh), but I live in an appartment, so this will work for now.
Thanks again for the comments.


Active Member
Hey Im getting the same lights so could you please tell me what corals you have so I can have an idea.


ok so im new to posting :)
anyhow im new to saltwater fish.com for a few months now, let me tell you some about me i have a 120 gallon tank, 100 pounds of live rock, 1 large yellow tang, 1 perc clown, 2 yellow tailed dams, 1 domino dam, 1 scopas tang, I have had my tank for 1 year now , 1 banded shrimp, turbo snails (25) 10 hermit crabs, 1 conch, 2 knobby star fish and a cc star fish
Im just wonder how many more fish can I add, I dont want to stress anyone, and my large tang tries to beat up anything new that is added my tang is beating up one of my new knobby star fish that i just got from stw.com. it seems he might lose a leg, will it grow up or as long as he is picked on will he die?will he be able to find most food on his own or should i spot feed him more then once a week?


Does your clown host in the FS? I got a frag from a local reefer the size of... say a ping pong ball and now almost 6 months later it is about the size of a good sized lemon. Thats not to bad I don't think.


Active Member
Frogspawn can get huge very quickly. I bought one 4 months ago that was the size of a small orange I had to cut off 1 of the 3 stalks and its still the size of a large grapefruit. It stung my kenya and I almost lost it. Its in a 150 DT and its still to big for my tank cause i can't put anything within 6 inches of it. I don't recommend them for small tanks unless you feel like trimming it monthly.
Your tank looks real good