6 Month Old Reef Tank


Hey Everyone,
It's my big 210gal reef tank that I have now been working with for one year now. Back last April I thought about this and started to buy equipment and in October I got the tank and made it a reality.
An equipment list is coming soon, along with recent pics of the sump under the tank and the backroom.
I hope you enjoy them, comments good or bad most certainly welcome.
The pics are not my best, not all the algea is scrubed and the glass is pretty dirty. I just wanted to post some pics to show progress, I hope to clean up the tank a little bit more and get better pics up soon.



Originally Posted by anthonym28
Looks great. One question, do the purple and yellow tang fight?
No they do not, the only two that get into a little fight is the yellow and the sailfin tang (but only when food is present).


Active Member
lookin very nice .... ur on the way to havin an awesome tank once things grow in some... love the choice in fish ur naso looks very healthy!
keep the pics coming


Originally Posted by Bruder
Looks awesome! Have you considered a background for your tank?
Yes, I am gonna get the black film to go on the back just haven't gotten it yet. It's not a high priority of mine.


Originally Posted by joojoo
Are these pics under actinics? Or what kind of lights do you run?
No they are 3x XM 400w MH's 20k's, that is why its so blue. I am gonna put photoshop on this laptop so I can take away all the blue to it, but all these pics are untouched.
It's cool to see the tank in real life, the water is a nice blue tint because of the lights that it looks a lot like the ocean.