6 month old tank (new algae)


Active Member
I think im just rounding the corner with my diatom problem and now I get this new algae. Im thinking it green slime algae and its only in one corner of my tank right now. I haven't disturbed it as I don't want to spread spores of it without knowing exactly what im dealing with.
My hermits don't seem to like it to much and they will crawl across it and release some of the bubbles its trapping. However most of the time they crawl across and dont pop any bubbles.
I would like to start treating this problem today so any speedy responses will be appreciated.
Ammo, Nitrates, Nitrates & Phosphates all read 0. I have macro algae in my refuge so it usually reads this. I feed frozen mixes every other day and have changed nothing in my tank since August this started 2 days ago.



Active Member
Use a siphon hose and vac that crap out. Oh well you lose a cup or two of sand. If you can black your tank out for a week. If not water changes, and minimize your light. What kind of water do you use? Do you have a tds meter?


I only thought cyano created gas. That looks green with bubbles. Whatever it is, I would get it out before the bubbles float away the algae and it settles in other places and spreads like crazy.


Active Member
Im told by the Local Fish Store that its cyano. Green Slime Algae.
I use RO water no higher than 5 TDS.
Apparently im nearing my diatom bloom end and now getting into the other algaes. I am going to purchase 4 Mexican Turbos tomorrow as the 2 I have make light work of it when they get on top of it.
The bubbles aren't that hard. They have a coating over them some thin some thick. If I take my turkey baster I can suck a lot of them off but they grow back fast.
Apparently all the water flow in my take leads to that corner of the tank and everything is settling there. So ill be adjusting my spray bar to add a little flow. Ill also be trying to gravel vac it tomorrow. ill keep you posted.
Turning the lights off for a week is out of the question with Anemones and Corals.