6-Pack: Multicolor Angel


Active Member
Almost two weeks ago, I picked up a Multicolor Angel from a local hobbyist. I've admired this fish for quite awhile, so when I saw this one for sale locally at a price I could afford, I jumped all over it. The fish was quite shy for about the first 10 days in my reef, but is now becoming more adventurous and is out in the open long enough to catch a quick glimpse every now and then. These are the best pics I could get of him.


Active Member
My Purple Tang showing the new guy who's boss (actually, they get along really well and I haven't seen really any aggression)

jam marine

Hey robchuk,beautiful fish u got there,i personally love angels,but it is a shame they are 50/50 in a reef,let me know how this one does in your tank :D


Active Member
Originally Posted by jam marine
Hey robchuk,beautiful fish u got there,i personally love angels,but it is a shame they are 50/50 in a reef,let me know how this one does in your tank :D
So far so good. This particular fish is collected from deeper waters (80'-200') than most other Centropyge angels, so it's not used to being housed with the corals we keep in our reef tanks, and is much less prone to munch on corals or clams. I have noticed him picking at the rockwork like any other dwarf angel, but never at any of the corals.


New Member
Hey there I love your trim around your tank, what gave you the ideas to do that, and do you have anymore pics?

old yeller

New Member
Thanks Joe,
My tank is nearly complete. Rather than hijacking this thread, I'll start a new one later this week showing the details of my tank.


Active Member
awesome! It sucks I'll be going away to college soon, so I can't get anything too big soon. Don't know if my parents would want to take care of it lol. But my lionfish is fast outgrowing my 75 gallon


Nice looking fish, did you purchase it at Deep Reef Aquatics? It's the only LFS that I've seen it sold at. I was thinking of purchasing a multi-colored angel but I purchased a Golden Dwarf Angel instead. Both are great looking fish, I also think the potters angel is a really cool fish and of course the flame angel.


Active Member
It originally came from Deep Reef. I bought it second-hand from a hobbyist in the area. I've also seen these fish at Petland in Naperville from time to time. In fact, Petland is where I first saw one of these fish.
Congrats on the Golden Dwarf! I saw one of those at Advanced Aquatics in Schaumburg a few weeks ago; what a beautiful fish!