6" Queen conch needs a new home...


Active Member
I have a very large Queen conch that i bought when it was just a little thing. I have had it for about 1 year now, when i bought him he was about 1/2 of an inch. Now he is pushing about 6 inches or so. He is getting to big for the 75 gallon tank i have and he needs a new home. If anyone is interested in him i will supply my email adress and we can work out the details. Sorry there is no pic available, i don't have a digital camera anymore, it got water logged in the old fish tank when i dropped it in there about 6 months ago. Some one please give him a new home...


I'm in Marion Indiana about 2+ hours from you and would like it for my 240 if it doesn't workout for Slipnotno.


Active Member
okay guys, sorry about not responding, i was off work yesterday, and only have net at work, here is my email adress email me and let me know whats up... I am thinking that i have a better chance of being able to get it to you SULLY because we are so close.
email me at jbarbier at jdbyrider dot com


Active Member
if you dont mind the shipping charge i could def do business with you, i have not heard from sully yet, and he is a dandy of a conch.


This is the first chance I have had to get on line, I'm going to pass. Slipknotno was the first one to jump on it anyway. Thanks, Doug


Active Member
SLIPKNOTNO let me know if you are still interested, i really do need to find him a new home thanks for the reply sully, no big deal, if you change your mind let me know, i could meet you in greenwood or something tomorrow if you still wanted it, if not ill ship to slipknotno.


I'll pay shipping. how much to 44312. I would prefer overnight. my wife is at home on wensday so that would be best.


I have some corals if you want to trade. this is my first reef so I would need alittle instruction on how to frag. What are you looking for?


Active Member
what have you? what we could do is just pay the shipping for each others stuff and call it good, i think you will really like the conch he is awesome, email me so we can work out the details jbarbier at jdbyrider dot com