6 tangs in my 29 gallon


New Member
hey i have 4 blue hippo tangs, 1 clown tang, and 1 achilles tang in my 29 gallon fish tank.
salinity: 1.019
Nitrates: 40 ppm
ammonia: 0
I did my research but they all have white dots on them and my clown tang died. im so unlucky! my LFS said it was ok and i thought it would be
what should i do to fix them?


for starters, you can get a much larger tank, and find a different LFS if they knowingly let you put that many agressive fish in that size tank. You can use the 29 for a quarantine tank, refugium, or sump for your larger tank. And at this point you'll probably need a broad spectrum parasite treatment and a secondary treatment for bacterial infection, since all your fish are affected. Expect to lose a couple more of them. I'll let everyone else comment on your tank setup and water quality issues.

30-xtra high

Active Member
you are going to lose all your fish. you couldn't even fit one of those full grown fish in your tank.
your salinity is way to low... get it up to 1.024
your nitrites should be at 0
the white dots are parasites called "ich", and will kill your fish.
those 6 fish would need a 180-210 gallon tank AT LEAST.
never get any advice from your fish store ever again. they are complete retards.
you have not done your research at all, so don't even lie...


Nitrate is at super bad level.
SG is at a dangerous level.
Stocks are at the deadly level.
Tank is at the unacceptable level for Tangs in general.
You need to send those fishs back to the lfs. That's the only solution.


OK, I'm not going to flame you, but someone might. Each one of those tangs need to have at least around 75 gallons (but definitely much more to be happy/healthy). A 29 gallon is way too small for a tang of any sort IMO. I'm sorry that it sounds like I'm lecturing you, but the white spots are probably some disease that they got from being stressed with the little amount of space. I would post this on the disease and treatment forum. You could also just look in the archives forum to find pictures of different diseases and find which one they have.
Good luck!
By the way, welcome to the boards! There's lots of good information here.


Originally Posted by FireRescue
Don't waste your time. I think this person is making it up. Nobody is that dumb. This should be deleted.
I agree. It is a complete waste of time. Totally posted on purpose to get these reponses.


New Member
all those tangs?
dude you cant be serious.
Not to mention your water conditions are way off...
you need to find a way to treat those poor guys then get rid of them!


i cant belive im commenting this but its most likely ich even though this is probably fake. And to think that you need to make a fake post so you can have people comment you and tell you waht they think about a mad up situation? Sounds sort of pathetic if you ask me

"im so unlucky!" how fake is that :thinking: lol if you did your research then this would have never happened in the first place but guaranteed your going to have like 3 pages worth of comments so if thats what you were going for congrats. goal achieved