60 + corals offered to me... price?


Active Member
Originally Posted by farnorth
There are some descent ones, The reef and Animal House are two locally owned and they are nice people and try to help as much as they can.
Hey would you like the 100 gallon tank with the stand? The guy is willing to just give it away and I did not pick it up yet, but it is yours if you want it. His house is in wasilla. If you are moving soon just let me know.
Also I will gladly give you some of these corals that I have doubles of and frag a bunch of them to get you started when you move.
Sweet thats awsome...As far as the tank, I am bringing my 125 with me..
Long move from GA...

I am hoping to have my house sold and everything BEFORE Winter...


Originally Posted by farnorth
There are some descent ones, The reef and Animal House are two locally owned and they are nice people and try to help as much as they can.
Hey would you like the 100 gallon tank with the stand? The guy is willing to just give it away and I did not pick it up yet, but it is yours if you want it. His house is in wasilla. If you are moving soon just let me know.
Also I will gladly give you some of these corals that I have doubles of and frag a bunch of them to get you started when you move.
I might sell my house and move to Alaska for that deal!


Active Member
Uhhh, anybody in my area giving away a 100 gal tank??? I would like one too.
Man, I never realized that reef people were so nice! I thought I was getting a good deal when I bought 30 lbs of LR from my friend/neighbor for $125! You all are just sharing / giving like it was nothing at all. Is everybody in Alaska this nice???


Active Member
Originally Posted by farnorth
WOW!!! I can't believe you are brining it with you. Hit me up when you get up here!
Since I am having to move most of my stuff by freighter, I figured I could put that in the container..The container to move everything is 43'....


i will buy that for $1600 if u pass... holla
, 30lbs of LR for $125 is a rip off!!! that equals $4 per pound!!!!!!!!! are you insane for buying it????!!!!
I just got $120 lbs of LR for $120! u was rooked!



Originally Posted by mujtba
i will buy that for $1600 if u pass... holla
, 30lbs of LR for $125 is a rip off!!! that equals $4 per pound!!!!!!!!! are you insane for buying it????!!!!
I just got $120 lbs of LR for $120! u was rooked!
Thats not that bad of a price......


Active Member

Originally Posted by mujtba
seems alot...

Mujtba, I can't believe you are using your poor tang stuck in the clam as your avitar....shame on you.

As far as the deal on rock, if cured, seems good considering around here it goes for anywhere from $8.99-$11.99 depending on quality. Not a great
deal, but, certainly a good deal.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
Uhhh, anybody in my area giving away a 100 gal tank??? I would like one too.
Man, I never realized that reef people were so nice! I thought I was getting a good deal when I bought 30 lbs of LR from my friend/neighbor for $125! You all are just sharing / giving like it was nothing at all. Is everybody in Alaska this nice???
They spend so much energy just trying to get warm they don't have any energy to be mean
jk I would give my eye teeth and right arm to move to Alaska!
There are good deals to be had everywhere - My husband and I stumbled into one - one of the highschools here has a 150 gal reef tank they want to be rid of. We get everything - the lr, the fish, the sand, etc free - just haul it away. Picking it up this weekend!


mujtba love the avatar!!! funny some fish just have to learn the hard way!! and damn thats an awesome deal for all that!! but i'm not leaving florida anytime soon i like to walk around without a parka more then 3 months a year!!