60 gallon tank, need chiller


hey im looking at getting MH lighting and need to get a chiller, whats the best brand or a good brand and what are the specifications to be looking into for my tank?
i was told by a LFS to get a aqua euro 1/10 - ($399)
any other recommendations?


Active Member
are you set on buying a chiller? just because you have MH doesnt mean a chiller is required. theres other ways around the heat issues. I use a fan on my sump for extra evaporation, like many others do.


i have a fan on the sump right now, but it kind of causes a space and aesthetics issue, i havent found any fan that could fit inside my sump.. im just using a stand up fan right now, with the aquarium stand open and the fan pointed at the sump


Active Member
there are clip on fans that can be used that dont take up much space. Mine clips to the one end of the sump and blows back into the fuge section.
I got mine at walmart


do you remember the model of the fan? and do you have any pictures of the current fan setup? id love to see that thanks.


I have a 250hqi over my 60 cube. I have a two fans blowing into the hood and one into the cabinet,and all is well. I rarely see temps at 82 or above.


Originally Posted by hummel
I have a 250hqi over my 60 cube. I have a two fans blowing into the hood and one into the cabinet,and all is well. I rarely see temps at 82 or above.
what type of fans? model? brand? size? price?