60 gallon tank need some help.


New Member
Hi I'm new to this hobby. Started up my 60 gallon salt water 2 weeks ago. My salinity is 1.023 I bought a fluval 304, rio powerheads, 48" DBL AQUALIGHT. In the tank right now I got 9 damsels, couple of blue legs, turbo snails, and peppermint shrimp.
Also have 50lb LS and 22lb LR. I was just curious if I need a protein skimmer. And also I bought the test kit. I'm planning to add more live rocks pretty soon. What do you guys think about my setup so far? This one guy told me to switch out half my water in the next 3 week. But there are other ppl giving me all different advice. I would like to hear from ppl on this board. How was your cycling experience like? What did you do to maintain a good tank til now?
i'm suprised to hear u have 9 damsels in a 2 week old tank and that they are healthy. others will chime in with their opinions, but the popular thought on this board is to introduce fish one at a time into a display tank after each individual fish has been quarantined in a separate tank for 3 weeks. ok, that said, water changes - either 20% once a month, or, 10% every 2 weeks - this is less disruptive to your inhabitants. don't forget to top off with unsalted water when evaporation losses occur. Also - protein skimmer - more are in favor of them here than against. Takes waste out of the water before it can get nasty, but you also lose some good trace elements too, so u need to replenish those by putting supplements in the tank.


Active Member
It sounds like you have a nice start. Also sounds like you were ill advised on the number of fish. I would try to take some back. Have you been monitoring your ammonia, nitrites & nitrates? If so, what are your readings. Also, I wouldn't do any water changes until the cycle is complete then do a 20% change unless your ammonia reached toxic levels that will kill the fish. A Good Skimmer is very helpful. What are you planning to keep in the tank?


Well-Known Member
i also wanted to warn about adding the fish so soon. Additionally, the LR should have been added first and then allow for a three week period for fish born parasites to die off before adding any fish. But with luck you could be ok.
I also recommend you establish a good growth of macro algae or marine plants. Wish i had right from the start
skimmers are optional.


Welcome! :)
Yeah, many people disagree about hte fact that people Cycle their tanks with live fish. When we started our tanks, (long before finding out about this board.. darn..), we cycled with damsels.. not 9 of them.. but we had 3. They are still very healthy, but some people think it's cruel. I now think it's okay (from my own experience) to cycle with one or two damsels. But you should try to take some of them back (like what was said before).
What else are you planning on adding to your tank?


New Member
Thank you everyone for replyin and sharing some good info.
Yeah I thought 9 damsels were a lot. But I'm kinda attach to them. They are cool. Yeah I will take back some damsels. Probably will give it to my friend who might need them. Well for now they look healthy, active, and I even notice they are growing a bit. I bought all 3 of the test kit. I just did'nt know when is a good time to start testing? Is it too soon for me to test now or should I just start testing weekly. I left the kit at my friend's house so didn't get a chance to use them. My future for this tank will be hmm
1. clown fish
2. tang, don't know which ones.
3. clean up crew
4. more live rocks
5. possibly hard and soft corals
6. mushrooms and clams?


What kind of subsrate did you use crushed coral or sand? I turned to sand on my 60g after using c.c. in my 29 for a year or 2. The sand looks better but we'll see if it makes any differance on nitrates.
I would certainly invest in a good skimmer on that size tank...In my opinion skimmers are a must have along with some powerheads for good circulation. I use the remora pro its great so far, everything I expected it to be. For those who don't use skimmers, if they put one on it would take out a lot of the crap, but they choose to put their eggs in other baskets, namely macroalgae like calurpa.
anyway good luck


New Member
Ok here it is after 2 weeks.
8.2 PH
.50 Ammonia
2.0 Nitrite
20 nitrate
Think I should remove some of my damsels before things go bad.?


New Member
well i bought 8. then 1 later. For me I thought 10 would be good to cycle the water with. That was just my guess. I guess 3 or 4 is good enough. I will spare some to my friends. I kinda like them if you ask me. But a really pain in the butt to catch.


Good luck getting them out to give to your friend. They are very good at hiding in the rocks. As for your readings, amonia, trites and trates need to get down to zero BEFORE you add anything else. Good luck to those 9 damsels, and welcome to the board.


Active Member
I started wrong also,I cycled with 3 damsels, lr and an anenome. BUt there still all alive after the cycle so iam not complaning:D
Were r u getting ur lr from e-mail me for some good rock milkmanf12@aol.com