60G Hex for Sale/Trade in Central Florida


I have a 60 Gallon Hex for sale or possibly trade.
It is the tank,stand,and hood. Tank Dimensions are : 31" high and 22" wide (any way you measure the top diminsions), so that would make it 22" deep also.
The hood has two 17W strip fluorescent lights on it.
I bought this 10 months ago. It is a beautiful set up.
I am looking to get $150.00 or I am willing to trade for MH lightning. I am only looking for either clip on or compact style MH fixtures in either 24" or 36". 150W or 250W. I can even this up from my end with some cash if needed.
I am also looking for zoo frags (not common or plain colored frags, but brightly colored or rare frags). I am also open to other trade offers, but the formentioned take much more priority.
You can email me at lbcelectric@yahoo.com
This is for local pickup only. I will not ship this item, it is way to big. If you decide to buy or trade for it, please bring a pickup or an appropriate vehicle to take it home.
I will get some pictures of it, and you can email me for them.