65 Gal.--5 fish setup

I'm setting up a 75 gallon, of which 10 gallons will be taken up by an IFS filtration system walled off along the back of the tank. It's been a few years since I've had a tank.
Thinking down the road, does anyone have any thoughts on the short- and long-term compatability of the following fish in that setup: (1) Undulated trigger, (2) Blue Throat/Blue Jaw (male) trigger, (3) Sling Jaw wrasse, (4) Porcupine puffer and (5) Zebra Moray. If that's too many, what would you leave out and why?
Just what I have learned in the last few months:
The undulate is way to aggressive for this tank and is almost the type of fish that you would use in a single fish aquarium. It would be fine for a short duration (a few months) but then would eventually kill the other fish.
The blue throat is good and pretty passive.
Don't know about the wrasse.
The porcupine puffer is a very messy eater and will drastically add to your bioload. It should be ok with the bluethroat, but definitely not with the undulate.
The zebra moray will be fine. I don't think they get much over 3', which will be still a little tight, but doable.
You really need to watch your overall bioload for the system. From what I have learned, you should shoot for the 1" per 4 gallons of water ratio....Especially with the triggers and porc being messy eaters. Therefore, at 65 clear gallons of water, your gonna be limited to about 16" of fish. I'm still not sure how you figure the length of an eel for a bioload.
I'd go for the the eel, the pork, and the wrasse. That is probably pretty full once they get to full size, but that will be awhile down the road. You could swap the trigger for the pork or just go with an undulate.
from your choices i would personally choose just the undulate and the zebra moray. the undulate might turn on on most of the fish in a small tank.
there are alot of smaller very aggressive fish that can be housed in a 65g..
It's funny how advice varies.
1. Ending six or so years ago, I had a 55 with a large porc., an undulated, a niger and a snowflake moray. Plenty of rocks and hiding spaces in the rear of the tank (tip: I had a very large conch shell with a tiny chip out of it at the top which the snowflake loved). The fish were well fed, generally freeze-dried krill with an occasional meal of fresh shrimp or on special occasions, dare I say, a goldfish or two. I introduced the undulated after everyone else had been established. Until I moved and had to sell the fish, these fish co-existed for over two years. The undulated would get pissed off now and again, but everyone had a place to hide; the puffer was big enough that he did not get messed with. I never had water quality issues, and that was with an undergravel with two pump heads and a regular freshwater-type filter attached to the back. Now, I have a larger tank with a 75-gal footprint (only a portion along the back is enclosed with a state-of-the-art filtration system with skimmer and UV sterilizer).
2. Out of all the triggers, another Web site which sells numerous triggers advised that the undulated requires the least amount of room of all the triggers-60 gallons. The Blue Throat also required a relatively small amount of space.
3. So, in light of the foregoing, do any of you experts out there have any thoughts?