I'm setting up a 75 gallon, of which 10 gallons will be taken up by an IFS filtration system walled off along the back of the tank. It's been a few years since I've had a tank.
Thinking down the road, does anyone have any thoughts on the short- and long-term compatability of the following fish in that setup: (1) Undulated trigger, (2) Blue Throat/Blue Jaw (male) trigger, (3) Sling Jaw wrasse, (4) Porcupine puffer and (5) Zebra Moray. If that's too many, what would you leave out and why?
Thinking down the road, does anyone have any thoughts on the short- and long-term compatability of the following fish in that setup: (1) Undulated trigger, (2) Blue Throat/Blue Jaw (male) trigger, (3) Sling Jaw wrasse, (4) Porcupine puffer and (5) Zebra Moray. If that's too many, what would you leave out and why?