65 gallon reef tank for sale in san diego

Tank and stand for sale I WILL NOT BREAK IT UP AT THIS TIME SO DON'T ASK!!!! please email if you are interested in everything, I have about 150lbs of live rock, 2 power compact lights 350watts, I will take some pics and post tonight when I get home.. you can email me at wildride328i@hotmail.com


isnt one of the reasons clows live in anemones for protection? dare i say that that anemone isnt really doing much for that clows, seeing as it is like 1/5th its size!
wish i was in sd still, id give you a call.
I bought them as a pair they were about the same size but the clown will not stop growing.. the anemone found a hole in the rock so about 1/2 of his bidy stays in the hole. thats why the anemone looks small..:eek:


So what kind of price range are you looking to get for this tank? I'm going to be in S.D. this weekend, maybe we can hook-up.
I think 1300.00 would be fair price for it. thats for every thing live rock,sand,fish,skimmer,lights,stand,and i would help you move it..call me we can work something out... reason for selling it. I just got a 200 gallon tank and I don't need both tanks.. one is enough. here is my cell 1-619-417-2989
anyone....if I don't sell this by tuesday I will break it down and sell it part by part.. i will make a better list for parts by Tuesday


What kind of lights do you have and how much do you want for them?How many lbs. of rock do you have and how much do you want?If reasonable I could pick up this weekend,
when i get off work i will find out what lights they are for you and give you a price for all..I have about 80-100lbs of live rock full of xenia..