65 gallon reef


New Member
Dimensions are 36x18.5x25. Filtration consist of 135 pounds of fiji live rock, sea clone protien skimmer and an ehiem canister filter. Substrate is crushed coral. Lighting is 36 inch smart lite 50% 10,000K daylight 50% actinic lamp 96 watts.
Only corals in the tank are mushrooms that seem to be thriving,and various corals that have grown naturally on the live rock. Fish are 3 clowns all diffrent and one blue damsel.
The tank has been set up for a year and a half. The bulb has never been changed. How long are compact florescense bulbs good for? Does it need to be changed immediately?
What other corals can be grown under this light?I know it is pretty weak and I plan on adding more but do not know how soon.
Is the filtration sufficiant? Anything I should add? There are also a couple of smaller powerheads in the tank.
Should I use one of my unused wet dry's with bio balls or just as a sump?
Can I add more fish? I would like to add a royal gramma and some type of tang.
I would like to add a deep bed of live sand. Can I add the live sand on top of the crused coral? Do I need to put the live sand under the live rock or can I just add it around it?
What lighting would you add to this set up.
Got the whole setup for $350 and the guy is delivering it and setting it up. Lots of extras such as new bucket of salt, test kits and such. I feel this is a pretty good deal, what do you think?
Thanks. Peace and Respect
Most people on here will tell you to go with a straight LS setup but is the CC what they call argonite in otherwords is it as fine as sand. If so and the fact it has been setup for a year it is live. to an extent a shark will be better to explain the differences.
If you go with LS it is really a preference if you want to set your rock on the glas then add the LS or if you want to add the LS first then the rock.
Lighting is always the question on here. Depends on the type of coral you want to keep.
On more fish the rule i have been told and that varies on here is one inch of full grown fish for every three gallons.
Well your LR and LS are your filtration. Some will tell you you dont need the ehiem but it is up to you. I am new at this and am sure a shark will jump in to correct me and give you more advise.
Try searching this BB for answers too. There are alot of posts and some people have asked the same question as you most of the time. By the way great deal figure Fiji LR goes for $3 a # so you got your money worth just out of that.
Good luck. Post some pics if you can when it is setup and let us know what you decided. There is a wealth of knowledge here and they all want to see us succed in our new hobby. By the way is this your first tank?


New Member
I have posted some pics at these links copy and paste
I am not sure what type of cc he used maybe you can tell from the pics.
This is my first Salty, I have many freshwater aquariums. I keep 4 motoro stingrays( 1 pair of blue's 1 pair of regular) Fahaka puffer, Cichlids, arowana's, birchirs lots of stuff here is a link to pics of some of my fish http://pictures.care2.com/view/1/786634269 if you look at the bottom right you will see links to more of my albums such as my rays. Enjoy! Copy and paste the link.


Active Member
If you add ls you need to take out your cc. And I think most people replace bulbs every 12 mo or so.


what size tank do you keep your arowanas in? I've seen some of these fish at the zoo. things were over 2 feet long!