65 Gallon Tank fish suggestions



I have 2 percula clowns, and one gold headed goby in my tank.
Inverts are two 2" mexican turbo snails.
I want a peaceful tank.
What are some suggestions for my next fish please.


Is it a fish only tank? FOWLR?(fish only with live rock) Are you going to have corals?
If you plan on getting corals in the future stick to something that is reef safe. Try a Royal Gramma or Lawnmower blenny. Another cool addition to a tank are the green emerald crabs. Drop a couple of them in. Also Cleaner shrimp are a cool addition. I'd put 2 in a 65 gallon tank.
Definately add some more cleanup. I especially like shrimp. Maybe a Pseudo, but be careful with shrimp.
A bubbling treasure chest. j/k. :hilarious I make myself laugh.
I like grammas, maybe a dwarf angel if a 65 is suitable?
I always browse to see what i like then research to see if it fits my aquarium.