6500 k for 6 months..

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have a 6500k hamilton 250 watt MH bulb.
I have had it for 6 months, and it works great!
I was thinking in anothor 6 months to change it to a 10000k,
400 watt MH bulb. My water temp is at 80. If i change it to a 10000k 400 watt bulb, would it rise my temp alot?
Also, Is a 10000k bulb better for the coral..ect?


Active Member
You would also need a new ballast at the same time if your switching to a 400 watt bulb from a 250 watt and yes it will increase the amount of heat given off by going up in wattage.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Oh Thanks.
Now, if i get a 10000k instead of another 6500k,
is it better for the coral, anenomes,..ect? Does it give off more light. I know it is brighter, but is it better?


Active Member
Generally going with a lower K bulb will give you better growth but higher K will give you better coral colors. It's somewhat of a trade-off color for growth. The amount of light given off and the color of light from the bulb can be different depending on your bulb/ballast choice. I prefer somehting in the middle like a 10K with supplementation.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Ya i was thinking of also getting 10k, but what do you mean by supplementation? By the way, when you said that lower k gives better growth.. 10k also gives great growth right? Or is 6500 better, were you can visually see that its better?


Active Member
Actinic supplementation, to help give a little bluer look to the tank. 6500K will generally give you the best growth, 10K a little slower growth, and as you go up to 20K increasingly slower growth. This is really only a general statement though because different bulb/ballast combos will yield different PAR ratings.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Ya, so i dont know if i should change to 10k.
I want better growth, and also coloration.
..What would you choose in this case? better growth?
or better color?


Active Member
Actinic supplementation? What type of ballast? Personally I like 10K's or something around there like 12K or 14K with supplementation, I don't like the blue look of 20K's and 6500K is too yellow. There's more to good color and growth than just lighting though, especially if you looking at doing SPS's.