65g reef journal


Originally Posted by TX Reef
That's sick....that's sick......that's sick........that's sick

Anyone else getting annoyed by this or is it just me?
That's pretty SICK that you would waste your time making this post. lol , great contribution to his thread! Like we say on my poker forum, if you don't like the thread, then GTFO!
Looks nice, I love the new corals. Especially those rics


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
That's sick....that's sick......that's sick........that's sick

Anyone else getting annoyed by this or is it just me?

why would you say that. just me but i dont get it.
also i was talkin about the anemone in the bottom right corner.


Active Member
oh, well i'm not sure on a positive ID because i just bought it as a long tentacle, but i'm pretty sure its a ritteri.


Active Member
i was on board with the long tentacle but guess not. i want a long tentacle but waiting for halides for them. then comes two maroon clowns and im set. tank looks sick.
i have to be honest here zano, i still dont understand why TX REEF posted that.


Active Member
Updated pics:
Blue Acro

Red Monti Cap

Bubble close up

Blurry nighttime shot. The bubble's sweeper tentacles looks awesome

Elegance Coral
