65g stocking idea


New Member
Here is what we have looked into but we still have a month or better before we start buying so I am open to other suggestions and advice.
Besides clean up crew
Flame Angelfish
Royal Gramma Basslet
Pajama Cardinalfish
2 clown fish(just regular nemo type)
Purple firefish
Yellow watchmen Goby
Clown fairy wrasse
Christmas wrasse
and possibly a Blue eye tang.


I have a 65g as well! I think it sounds good except I would pick only one wrasse (maybe instead pick a small fish) and definatley no on the tang. Tangs need lots! lots! lots! of swimming space. Good luck!

keith burn

Active Member
Besides clean up crew
Flame Angelfish---- cool one but not for a new tank
Royal Gramma Basslet--- love them will be sweet to look at
Pajama Cardinalfish--- ok like what you have here
2 clown fish(just regular nemo type)-- good and you will love them
Purple firefish-- nice
Yellow watchmen Goby--will help clean the sand
Clown fairy wrasse---ok but not two and the christmas will look better imo
Christmas wrasse---love them
and possibly a Blue eye tang.-- ok No and that is all i have to say about that.
and not all at one time


Active Member
The body shape of the yellow tang can handle a 65 --- seen many if 55g with no problems.
What are the dimensions of the 65g? If it's an odd shaped "tall" I would say no on the tang but personally I wouldn't view a yellow tang as a problem in one.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Alisonj
awesome, thanks for the opinions and advice! Do the wrasse's get territorial or something?
soso it is not just that.
Thay need room and can get big imo it is just the size of the tank.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
The body shape of the yellow tang can handle a 65 --- seen many if 55g with no problems.
What are the dimensions of the 65g? If it's an odd shaped "tall" I would say no on the tang but personally I wouldn't view a yellow tang as a problem in one.
Yes a tang will and can live in a 55gal.But the setup must work for that to go ok.imo with a sump setup for more l/r than the d/t and good filters than it is ok.
Most of the new tanks do not start with all the l/r or filters that will be needed to have the room in the d/t open for a tang to be ok,and tangs love to graze on the l/r so to have the lvl of l/r and room to swim a biger tank is a must.


New Member
I have 68 pounds of live rock and then more in the sump as well. With the tang I have a friend who has many very large tanks and it was going to be something like we get one very small and then when it got too big it would go in his tank. Not sure if that is the best idea but he suggested it.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Alisonj
I have 68 pounds of live rock and then more in the sump as well. With the tang I have a friend who has many very large tanks and it was going to be something like we get one very small and then when it got too big it would go in his tank. Not sure if that is the best idea but he suggested it.
I know it a cool fish but if you are not going to get a biger tank why grow a fish for someone's tank.
imo try going with fish you can keep and that help you have a stable tank.