65gal setup FS


OK having to reduce my reefing time...
65gal Seaclear (black back) 4ft tank
Unstained Stand and Canopy
55wattx2 36" 10k & actinic 03 lights
Prizm Skimmer HOB
100lbs Live Sand
50lbs LR Coraline allover.
2-3 powerheads (forgot brand)
Just dont have time anymore, so I will stick to my nano....
I live in Folsom, so email me at norcalitrader@aol.com to arrange to see it, since I have no digital camera to post pics..
Im looking for $225...
And depenending on HOW close you are I can even deliver it...


If you are willing to break apart can you tell me how much you would like for the skimmer? Also what are the dimensions for the skimmer.