65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.


ok as you can see on this picture i have a 65k mh bulb on one side and a 10k plus on the other side.

the 10k plus light bulb is a bulb that makes a blue light but not as trong as the other blue mh, ok i couldn't dicide on what bulbs to put on, so i tried them both, i like the 10k bulb more on the way it looks to the eye, not only that i get green hairy algea groing on the side were i have the 65k bulb and on the side of the 10k bulb i hardly have any signs of the ugly algea.
i yust wanted to share this if your having algea problem with you 65k mh set up.
if any one this agrees with this let me know and why i have proved it with my tank. ill post close up pics later.


(*.*) well here are the close ups that i youst took.

this is the 65k side look at the hugly algea all over the rock, heres another one.

ok now here's one from the 65k side.

you can see the difference in the rock. look at this other close up from the 10k side.

you can see some coraline growing on this side and not that ugly algea.
You make me really glad I went w/ 10000K from the start. One thing many people might not know. On the double ended HQI 10000K bulbs, actual "K" rating is NOT 10000K! Mainly a marketing thing. From online research I found that, for instance, the Ushio double ended bulb "K" rating is in the neighborhood of 12000K, while the Aqualine Buschke is in the neighborhood of 13-14000K. AGain this is for the double-ended 250 watt bulbs. Your experience may differ, Fester
Ironreef, I'm using both right now in a side-by-side comparison. Way too early to tell which I like better. Had excellent luck w/ Ushios in the past. Used to run AB bulbs in old 175 watt pendant. Trying now in a side-by-side. Hard to make a call yet due to just upsizing to new tank and not fully stocked on both sides yet. It's a corner tank and I plan on having rock bottom to top on both flat sides. Will keep posted on progress.
Are your MH setups in a hood sitting on your tank or do u have them suspended above an open tank..
I am wanting to build myself a custom hood, but my LFS told me u had to suspend them above an open tank because of the high temp change it would cause... But I thought I could build a custom hood that would have enough air flow that temp would not matter... any ideas?
---Enquiring Minds Want to Know?!?!


temp is no problem i have a hood that i made my self is 12in tall, i have one fan running when my atinics come on the fan comes on. temp is always 80 82 at the most. for all the algea on the rock that i have on the 65k side i clean that up with my hads it comes off real easy is like slime algea. i soon as i get that other 10k bulb i'll be removing all of the algea off the rock.


ironreef about the brand of the 10k plus i'm not shure of the brand but i know it is a 10k plus blue line bulb. some one might know what brand it is.

david s

nice information post like the pics i am getin ready to build that mh from that dyi post and glad i seen that i am definatly goin 10k one questin u just take algie off with ur hands i am askin cause i got a bloom goin now hehe i may try it


i get most of it off with my hands and the one hard to get with a tooth brush. some will fly into the water i catch it with my net and the rest goes into my over flow and gets stuck in my over flows filter were then i clean that off too.
it help alot if you have a clean up crew, i only have like 7 snails and 10 blue legs.


Active Member
Hey reefcrazy !
Thanks a lot for sharing this with us.
I'm in the planning phase for new MH lighting too, and seeing/reading your lighting test has been very helpful.
Love experiements like this - I tip my ball cap to you !!
Thanks again !


I'll share my exp with you'll and maybe it'll help someone
I have german 10K and have had good success with them. The coralife ones I did not like and after getting them had others tell me the german were the best. I don't know about the others mentioned, I'd like to find out though, if they are as good or better than the ones I'm using. I had them side by side at first and you could tell fairly well that the german was outdoing the coralife. I started out with 65 then went to 10K. I got my last ones on sale from Jeff's exotic for $65ea.. good deal..
About suspending or not..
I have two MH and two actinics in a hood.
I first had them resting on my canopy, about 10"from water, which seemed to be ok but recently moved and decided to suspend them with open tops. I like the move. Others I'm sure don't like the open top idea but I do.
If you put it under a canopy, just make sure you have enough air movement to keep the water cool..
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pesronally I used eggcrate (light diffuser) material as "top" to keep air flow high in my canopy w/ twin 250 watt Mh cool enough. Of course, being in West TX had to invest in a chiller anyway.