6hr cleaning job


I did a monster overhaul clean on my tank Saturday night. 11pm to 5am! Whew. Here are pics. My tank had this corner box that was supposed to be filter, skimmer, heater ect, but you can no longer get the replacement parts for it, so goodbye. I removed the box and what a difference. Gave me at least 8more gallons of space. Pics of before and after.



It does look alot brighter. Hard to believe that removing that appox 10x6x18 box could make such a difference. The box was always covered in red algae too. Hoping by removing it, that I'm removing a large portion of my algae host. Tank is a 75 gallon, although I dont know it that box is included with the 75 gallon size. Seems bigger than 75. Have a friend who has a 90 gallon, and ours seem pretty similar in size. Lengh is 48 inches, by 18 in height. So I believe that does in fact make it a 75, but dont know. I have a T5 lighting setup. It is the 4bulb fixture. If I could buy it over again, would have bought the 8bulb one. For what I paid for the 4bulb at the LPS, I could have bought the nex size for not much more. You live and you learn. But its working great for the softy corals I have in there. I have a 19gallon nano with MH lights that I use for my more difficult corals! Thanks for the compliments. Like prob everyone else in the hobby, I'm a proud mama when it comes to my tanks!


Active Member
i feel you on the cleaning thing. i just got back from ohio after three weeks and had some1 do the basic cleaning. spent a whole sunday to my tank


4 damsels. I have a large bio load. The tang police would drag me into the streets and shoot me. I have 2 striped zebra damsels (one is over 10yrs old), 1 domino, 1 blue/yellow damsel, 2 clownfish (falsepercs), 1 coral beauty angel, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, purple tang, sandsifting goby, green brittle star, brown brittle star, various snails, clams, and soft corals. All are very healthy and quite a few pretty old.


Active Member
Originally Posted by janastasio
4 damsels. I have a large bio load. The tang police would drag me into the streets and shoot me. I have 2 striped zebra damsels (one is over 10yrs old), 1 domino, 1 blue/yellow damsel, 2 clownfish (falsepercs), 1 coral beauty angel, yellow tang, blue hippo tang, purple tang, sandsifting goby, green brittle star, brown brittle star, various snails, clams, and soft corals. All are very healthy and quite a few pretty old.
you know that green brittles are concidered to be very predatory.