6x 54 watt TEK light bulb selection question


Active Member
Im buying the 48" 6x54W Tek Light T5 High-Output Fixture.
the people recommended that i get
3 -- ATI Blue Plus
1 -- ATI True Actinic
1 -- UV Lighting 10000K AquaSun
1 -- KZ Fji Purple
and a pro reefer told me to do
it's 2 ATI blue plus
3 ATI aquablue special
1 UVL aquasun
which do you think would give optimal coral growth along with a purplish look to my tank :)
if you think of another combination you think is better please tell me


Active Member
yes 3 aquablue r better since the blueplus is just a supplemental light. if u put the bulbs u hv listed, then u will basically hv only 1 bulb since all the others r supplemental bulbs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
yes 3 aquablue r better since the blueplus is just a supplemental light. if u put the bulbs u hv listed, then u will basically hv only 1 bulb since all the others r supplemental bulbs.
The Blue Plus does have crazy PAR though.
The second combo you listed will be more white, the first will be pretty blue.


Active Member
because ive already ordered
  • 2 ATI blue plus
  • 3 ATI aquablue special
    1 UVL aquasun
and i was hoping for blue/purple


Active Member
the ati blue plus and aquablue specials are both blue. the only white bulb you chose in the second line up was the aquasun.
ati blue plus-
"Combines the properties of a Blue bulb with a Actinic Blue 03 bulb producing a unique spectrum that encourages both bluing in SPS corals and fluorescence in capable corals."
ati aquablue special-
"Combines the properties of a Blue bulb with a full-spectrum daylight bulb producing a color temperature of approximately 12000K"
the fiji purple bulb gives off a pink color. this will not make the tank more blue.


Active Member
well i have a problem.
"We are out of 54W Blue Plus bulbs for about a week. Would it be OK for us to hold the order until more arrive? If you don't want to wait you can switch to another bulb like the Giesemann Actinic Plus. The bulbs are not identical, but they are similar. If you switch we can ship your order out tomorrow."
what do i do?
I would say that those are comparable bulbs on the surface as far as color. I'm not sure how the PAR on the Geismann compares to the ATI. Hope this helps somewhat.