7 Dead in under 2 Hours (Snails)


New Member
I noticed a snail turned upsidedown yesterday....when I came home today it was still there and I started to look around the tank........nothing...about 20 min later I found 2 more upsidedown and not moving or attempting to flip around......40 min later I had a total of 7 the same way all around the same area of the tank...........It looks like a darn snail grave!
I have noticed that the area they use to stick to the glass and other areas is not its usual kaky color (dont know if my spelling of the color is right...forgive me lol) but yet a white almost spongy or bone looking pure white thing.
Here is a pic although i dont think it will help much lol.
Any Suggestions? Should I take them out? what?


Active Member
I suppose you are reffering to their foot. How long have you had the snails? Why did you not try to turn them back over?


Active Member
a pair will be mated if one is larger than the other (female is larger) and you an see dominance/submissiveness


New Member
Well there is one that is larger and that one does happen to be more agressive/dominant than the other...but what does a mated pair mean for me...its the 2 perculas in the above pic I am talking about.


New Member
Oh and about the snails...yes I did turn them over only to find them back upsidedown.....I have had them since the tank cycled about 1 month ago.
I dont know if they are dead I would hate to take them out if they are not but would hate more to leave them in if they are...


Active Member
do you have any hermits? sometimes hermits can flip snails over. Maybe tha tis just what is happening.
Then i would guess that the perculas are mated. It means they will spawn...if the conditions are right.


Did you buy your tnk used?If so, they could be dieing from copper introduced into the tank previously.What is your ammonia level?


If all your other water parameters are in the acceptable range and you bought all the snails at the same time,from the same place,you may have a bad batch.Don't know when you purchased but you may be under guarantee.Be aware that wherever you bought them from will most likely require a water sample in order to honor any guarantee.I know I pay 2.50 a snail so it's no small loss.


New Member
It has been over a month but i did recently have a large amount of nitrites in the tank I think due to an anenome's death......but that was fixed


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
Miami,what is your SG.?When I first started I kept mine at 1.023..my snails always fell too..since raising it to 1.025..my snails never fall..HTH,Carole

My thoughts exactly . . . .


Active Member
I agree with the salinity remarks. My snails seem to be more active and stay right side up when the it's a little on the high end of norm.