7+ week cycle...little progress


Here are the particulars, please help:
80 Gallon tank
Magna Canister Filter
Under gravel filter with 2 power heads and 2 airlines
Crushed coral
No live rock (no live anything)
I added 2 raw shrimp on 2/13
Ammonia spiked and now is at zero
Nitrite spiked and is still at 05
Nitrate is also spiked
Did a 20% water change and cleaned the filter on 4/1
I don't know what else to do for the tank to completely cycle - suggestions, please.


Now...If you don't, you will force your tank into another cycle. It helps cycle the tank during the startup. Most of the stores claim it's "cured", but I don't trust it.


So, no fish...just the LR right now? How much? I am not sure what I am getting so what should I look for and should I get it from my LFS or online?


No fish. You can either find it locally, or online, it's about your budget. Someone sold me mine, who was selling it on here. I bought the rest 22lbs at the store. I think your suppose to have 2 pounds for every gallon? If you have a 50 gallon, I've seen people put in about 50 pounds or a little less/more. I have a 46, and I put in 50 total.
After the LR was added, my tank was complete after 2 weeks and 4 days. I didn't do the shrimp thing, I used the live bacteria you pour in the tank everyday.
On Saturday, I added a Choc. Chip Star Fish. Yesterday, I added the cleaner shrimp who likes to hang on my skimmer, and a cleaner fish that looks like a lobster. They are all doing well. I just placed an order for snails and one hermit crab. I won't add fish until the end of the month. My son *7* said I HAVE TO GET NEMO. I told him I can't get Gloria, because I think he requires a larger tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blissninny
So, no fish...just the LR right now? How much? I am not sure what I am getting so what should I look for and should I get it from my LFS or online?
Now is definitely the time to add the LR. It will re-cycle your tank. Generally you want to put 1.5-2lbs of LR per gallon. Ordering online can be cheaper but buying from a LFS gives you the option of choosing your pieces. Basically whatever you can afford go for it. Another thing to consider is getting rid of the undergravel filter. They are not good for saltwater tanks. Also consider removing the crushed coral and going with live sand. Crushed coral traps detritus and creates nitrate problems. Depending on what your plans for the tank you might want to consider better filtration. If your going with fish only with live rock then you might be ok. If your going with reef then you need to at least get a wet/dry system or sump.


What is the deal with cc vs ls? I hear half the people say that cc is no good and to use sand, and the other half say that it is ok to use cc. I just started a 80 gal tank a few days ago and put in cc. Now I am starting to regret this and debating to start all over. I am doing a FOWLR tank. I also see pictures of awsome tanks that all show cc in them. Should I be concerned about the cc???


I just read...something about it traps Nitrates, and will mess up the tank. It's a post on here I just read, let me see if I can bump it for you. The LFS made me get the live sand, which is fine, I like it, just didn't know why. You know they are always trying to sell sell sell. lol


Okay, I just ordered 50 lbs of LR. I am confused about the LS and CC issue though. I bought the CC because it was recommended... Not brave enough to go with the Reef tank so will stick with the FOWLR at least until I am more confident.
What up Toyshika how's the tank doing!
Did you get the lights yet? :thinking: If your having trouble with the cycle add live rock and it should kick your cycle into gear!


Originally Posted by fishtanknewbie
What up Toyshika how's the tank doing!
Did you get the lights yet? :thinking: If your having trouble with the cycle add live rock and it should kick your cycle into gear!

Hi online hubby! Ha!
Yes, I got my lights, and MY NEW camera, so I can finally post pictures! The LR looks really good..thanks *wink* :cheer:


Originally Posted by Blissninny
Okay, I just ordered 50 lbs of LR. I am confused about the LS and CC issue though. I bought the CC because it was recommended... Not brave enough to go with the Reef tank so will stick with the FOWLR at least until I am more confident.
Congrat's you are now like the rest of us..BROKE. Ha!
When you get it, just toss it in, and arrange it like you want. Leave it be now....and your tank should cycle pretty fast! When this is done, let us know, so we can help you with the cleaning crew! :jumping:


Thank you for your help...I will keep you posted and I look forward to seeing the pics you take of your tank with your new camera.


Originally Posted by Blissninny
Thank you for your help...I will keep you posted and I look forward to seeing the pics you take of your tank with your new camera.

OH I FORGOT....you need to if you don't have one, purchase a Digital Camera. It's required on here. Ha! :jumping:


Active Member
Heck, throw a couple of more dead shrimp in it, it does not sound like its poluted enough. If you would have used just a small amount of live rock and passed on the dead shrimp method, ya would already be able to be putting fish in it long ago.


Well now I feel a lot better knowing I could have been enjoying my tank a long time ago
I am hoping the LR arrives quickly and I won't have to waste anymore time. BTW, where were you a long time ago when I was asking for advise?