Thx for the bump. :happyfish
As for meeting half way.. I really would, but I have no resources to a truck, other than renting one. Sorry, but glad you like the pictures. My digital camera has officially gone on strike today, so all the pics I have are from a few days ago. I hope my fish find a good home soon! :notsure:
I still have the following items remaining... considering offers on all... Sump potentially spoken for and Tank has an offer.
*72-gallon Oceanic bow-front all-glass w/black wooden stand, built in overflow, has 4-panel glass top. Great condition, with Hydrometer, Marine-Lab master test kit (2 months old), one mounted thermometer, 1 floating thermometer and 1 floating hydro-thermometer, heater up to 250 gal. will throw in 3/4, 50 gal size Instant Ocean and Maxi-Jet 900 (3) Power heads. $280 OBO
*20 gallon long ($15) sump w/ 700 GPH ($35) return. No baffles in place (just small rocks). Includes roll of spare sterilzed beverage tubing, currently used on return system (easy to clean and/or repalce). $50 all OBO *will part out. Can mail the return pump.
* Jebo Odyssea MH 20" light on mounting brackets. Has one 150W double ended HQI 20000K & two 24W compact fluorescent bulb actinic blue & two blue moon LED night light. New bulbs, less than 2 months old and have spare MH bulb still in box. Includes 2 external ballasts. Bought for $300, will sell for $180 OBO. *can mail.
***Livestock: You provide transportation device. Will not mail.
*Pink Tulip Tip Anemone. Getting huge! Currently the size of a grapefruit- $10
*Juvenille Emperor Angel, about 6-8 months old. She looks like she is starting to change. Georgeous baby that eats right from your hand. I hate to let her go!!! -$40
*Purple Firefish, about 8 months old. - $15
*Clarkii Clown, about 1 year old. Will eat from your fingers. Sweet baby! - $15
*Watchamn Gobie, about 1 year old. $10.