Have had a problem with fish dying for unseen reasons. For more detail than you'd ever want to know, see:
Just tested for stray voltage. One lead on ground, the other in the tank. 72 volts! Confirmed with a second meter, both digital meters: one autoranging the other manual range. Unplugged my heater, 36 volts. Turned the AC plug 180 degrees on the heater and plugged it back in: 34 volts! Started unplugging the three powerheads and filter and each seemed to contribute roughly 7 to 8 volts so the heater was the majority of the problem, but all others seem to contribute.
For now I put a copper grounding rod into the water and it's down to 0.9 volts. I find three mysteries in this:
(1) Why would each appliance contribute as much as 7-8 volts? Doesn't seem normal.
(2) If this is my fish killer, why has it never affected the inverts and why would the fish only start dying after about 6 weeks. They live through the cycle (yes I use damsels to cycle) and then all of a sudden start dropping quickly after 6 weeks with no new equipment added. Plus any new fish added at that point die almost immediately which points away from stray voltage as the cause.
(3) I stick my arm in there to adjust things all the time. Why would I not feel the shock? Maybe it's just not enough amperage and/or I'm not grounded enough?
There are so many threads about stray voltage here, but I've never seen someone report something as high as 72v. Any clues here?
Just tested for stray voltage. One lead on ground, the other in the tank. 72 volts! Confirmed with a second meter, both digital meters: one autoranging the other manual range. Unplugged my heater, 36 volts. Turned the AC plug 180 degrees on the heater and plugged it back in: 34 volts! Started unplugging the three powerheads and filter and each seemed to contribute roughly 7 to 8 volts so the heater was the majority of the problem, but all others seem to contribute.
For now I put a copper grounding rod into the water and it's down to 0.9 volts. I find three mysteries in this:
(1) Why would each appliance contribute as much as 7-8 volts? Doesn't seem normal.
(2) If this is my fish killer, why has it never affected the inverts and why would the fish only start dying after about 6 weeks. They live through the cycle (yes I use damsels to cycle) and then all of a sudden start dropping quickly after 6 weeks with no new equipment added. Plus any new fish added at that point die almost immediately which points away from stray voltage as the cause.
(3) I stick my arm in there to adjust things all the time. Why would I not feel the shock? Maybe it's just not enough amperage and/or I'm not grounded enough?
There are so many threads about stray voltage here, but I've never seen someone report something as high as 72v. Any clues here?