72gal bow 2 sm. for powder blue tang


New Member
Do you think a 72 gallon bow tank (Fish only) is too small for a powder blue tang?
We recently lost a powder blue to due ich outbreak. We thought maybe our tank was too small, actually we are not sure why he got ich maybe because we introduced another fish after him and he just freaked. So just wondering if my tank is too small. We have copperband, clown, damsel and juv. blueface angel.
Tks everyone... :)


I don't think that your tank is too small......I've seen them in 50's before (probably really ill-advised), I would think that a 72 would be really good until the tang got big. Just my 2 cents.


I have a 7" powder blue in a 200 gal and i feel even that is too small at times. I personally would not put one in less than a 6 foot tank. They need tons of swimming room.

aquarius 1

I have a Powder Blue in a 75 gallon tank and he seems to be thriving. Swims all day, eats like a horse and he isn't all that agressive with the other tangs and angels in the tank. I think a 72 would be ok for now but I think like me in the future you may have to upgrade. I have the luxury of just adding it to my uncle's 150 gallon.