75 Gal. Pics 1 Month


Active Member
Cool pics, not too many people have clown tangs from what I see... so nice job choosing a out of the ordinary fish! :D Nice anemone too, how big is that?


purple firefish will come out more when he gets more used to stuff.. they are very very pretty.. do me a favor though, do not add another one as they will fight all the time and one will be killed. this happened twice to me, than i learned...lol..my regular red firefish gets along with him but they still fight here and there but not as much as the same color ones, its wierd..


Active Member
that is normal for there fins to be like that... as long as he added the purple firefish at the same time, they should not fight. they look very normal and healthy IMO.


They have been in there almost 3 months. There fins are all fine the picture is a little blury. They do not fight, they sleep together in the same hole.


Originally Posted by Schadiest1
that is normal for there fins to be like that... as long as he added the purple firefish at the same time, they should not fight. they look very normal and healthy IMO.
eventually you'll see fighting. you'll see, and if not, you got really really lucky. just giving you heads up.


You said in one post you have a 48" coralife fixture? Is that the one with 2 actinics and 2 10,000k daylight (total 260 watt)? If so I have the same one. Is it a good enough light for the BTA?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cross
eventually you'll see fighting. you'll see, and if not, you got really really lucky. just giving you heads up.
I have a purple and a red firefish for 6 months now, no problems at all, in fact they usually hang together. but i have a 125 gal. too, so it may make a difference? Love those fish too!!


Originally Posted by nluchau
You said in one post you have a 48" coralife fixture? Is that the one with 2 actinics and 2 10,000k daylight (total 260 watt)? If so I have the same one. Is it a good enough light for the BTA?
Yes I have the same light fixture(total 260w). Bta will do fine with this, and if you need more proof than just my word, look up schadiest1 past posts. He also has a BTA under a coralife fixture and it is doing well. The thing to remember if you purchase one is to let him go where he wants to in the tank dont force it to stay in the spot you want. The bta will position himself in your tank to the spot that lets him get the amount of light he needs. Just a warning for you If you have corals keep an eye on him so he doesnt burn any of them, and if you get one you only have to feed it once a week.


Active Member
BTA's do fine under 40w of Normal Output, for a few weeks. (like at your trusty LFS.) Tell us how they are doing in a few months! I hope they do well though. :D


Active Member
what was the point of posting ur pics on this thread kuyamack? You could at least explain why ya did.
Cool algae blenny matttamar, what's his name?


Yes a red and purple will be fine together, might see alittle fighting but not brutal fighting like 2 purples...good luck.. i have a pur and a red too they get along good. but i learned from having 2 purples twice. they kill one another eventually or one get killed and the other looks like crap with his fins all takin off, its wierd...just trying to help..


Oh wow that is beuteful I may be getting to reef bug again. sye.. to bad I'm going to have to wait before I get more tanks need to build a fish room. But realy good pics