75 gal stocking help


Ok. my tank is just about done cycling.
Salinity: 1.023
ph: 8.2
Ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: between 0 and 5ppm
calcium: 420
tank specs:
Eheim 2227 wet dry
Aqua c remora pro
3 maxi jet 900 powerheads
25lbs. live rock
50 lbs. baserock
75lbs mixture of CaribSea Aragonite and live sand
15 watt gamma uv sterilizer
NOw, I plan on stocking my tank by next weekend. I have had a agressive tank for the last 3 yrs. but now i want to go fowlr-reef. So far I would like a Reagal Tang. Anyone have any recommendations on some hearty reef safe fish. your input is appreciated. thanks in advance for your input.


Active Member
Word of warning. The tang police will get you for putting a tang in that small of a tank. This site does a pretty good job stating if a fish is reef safe or not.


New Member
Originally Posted by airforceb2
Word of warning. The tang police will get you for putting a tang in that small of a tank. This site does a pretty good job stating if a fish is reef safe or not.
Maybe a convict tang would be a good choice, very pretty fish :D


Originally Posted by airforceb2
Word of warning. The tang police will get you for putting a tang in that small of a tank. This site does a pretty good job stating if a fish is reef safe or not.
I have a yellow tang in a 29 gallon and so far No Tang police have found me, well maybe online but not at my house. Now you can have a tang in a 75 but you need to make sure its one that will be happy. I have a 75 gallon aquarium and will be adding my Yellow Tang to it once its cycled. I believe some tangs will be alright but not the ones that get really big.
There is too much dilemma on tangs and sizes of aquariums. We wont get into that.
My 2 cents is that a Yellow tang will be happy in a 75 but would be exstatic in a 125


Active Member
Picture yourself living in an outhouse. You can live and walk around but you sure as hell wont be happy.