75 gal


New Member
hello i was just wondering what are some suggestions on what kind of eels i can put in a 75 gal rectangle tank?
also am i able to put two of them?
and price doesnt matter just want to know what are some awesome eels to have in a 75 gal.


Active Member
Snowflake and chainlink(very active, chainlink isn't as active as sfe), dragon moray (very sweet, but $$$$), goldentail (have one, very cool looking, but very shy). There's some to look at


Active Member
The pirce for a hawiian dragon moray can cost more then $500 but they are extordinary! I had 2 eels in my 55gal, snowflake and chainlink. You could do two but you got to remember that you wont beable to put alot of fish in your tank, 1) eel may eat it 2) Overstocking.
Heres what I would do:
-eel of choice
-eel of choice
-nice size fish (maybe a lionfish?)
That would be a nice looking tank.


Active Member
hmm...... I dont know. What eel(s) are you thinking about getting? There maybe a possibility of the eel attacking the flame angel., but not really sure. :thinking:


New Member
all i know is that i want to go all out on my tank so i can sit there and watch ***)
i am going to ask my lfs guy that gets all my fish if he can get a price on the dragon moray because it sound like an awesome eel. but it may be hard to come by so i am going to look around


Active Member
I have a Large Snowflake eel and I love him. He eats shrimp off of a feeder stick. I also have a baby Black Volitan Lionfish (for now) and a medium Radiata Lionfish and a medium Foxface.
I'm trying the Lions out to see what personality and activity I like best. My Foxface is very active and eats algae sheets from my hands.
I say go with a large SFE and a Lion. Great fish that you can hand feed. You could also try a Halequin Tusk instead of the Lion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hornet2006
thanks for all the replys! i have decided to get a 100 gal which only cost $40 more then the 75 gal.
Nice choice!


New Member
well i have now gotten a 100 gal and spent about $700 for everything .
the only thing i will have to get is the LR . i am still looking at all the eels and they all look nice. two stand out to me (dragon moray and the zebra) please let me know if these eels wont work in a 100 gal. i would also like to put fish but i dont know yet.
thanks for all suggestions once again.


The zebra and dragon will get along. That would be the only fish you should put in there though. Dragon morays are fish eaters and will eat any med or small size fish immediately. Your tank is only 100 so you wouldn't be able to get large fish (7+ inches).
Also, the zebra gets to about 5 foot and is very fat so it may very well outgrow your 100 gallon tank. I've got a zebra eel in with 2 spotted morays (very aggressive fish eaters). The spotted morays are much like the hawaiin dragon morays in aggression. If you get a normal dragon (jeweled moray) you might be able to add fish, but you are still taking a chance. The spotted morays though can swallow a 5" fish like it's nothing, then follow that up with another 12 of them (no exaggeration).
Stick with the zebra and don't try getting any fish eating eels. Any fish eating eel would go through a dwarf angel like it was nothing. Forgot to add, hawaiin dragon eels are more like $1000+ dollars. Regular dragon eels (jewel moray) are around $100.


Active Member
Go with a boring old Snowflake, mine is fat, eats well, very active and great fun. The Zebra is shy, stays hidden, and is kind of big, fat, and clumbsy (knocking over rockwork).


i know there hard to take care of and dont have a very high survival rate but a ribbon eel those are cool