75 gal


Originally Posted by 95Harley
Go with a boring old Snowflake, mine is fat, eats well, very active and great fun. The Zebra is shy, stays hidden, and is kind of big, fat, and clumbsy (knocking over rockwork).
The Zebra is normally shy, but never really moves rockwork since they are so immobile. If you have minimal rockwork, they come out much more. I definitely agree with you on SFE being a great choice though.
Don't get a ribbon eel. I had one for 8 months and the only reason it lasted that long was because I actually force fed it (by hand) and then left it in a shrimp filled reef. It wouldn't have survived with the eels I have so I got rid of it when I took down my reef.
hornet2006: I don't know your age, but you have to bear in mind that many of the members replying to your post are teens or even younger who have no actual experience with the fish they are giving you information on. They just repeat back to you what they've read here. Make sure to do your own research and only use this forum as a building block for your knowledge.


New Member
thank you boalgf for suggestions. and i do know tht most teens have been replying, but that is ok i like to hear all suggestions and i thank you all. remember as a kid and a teen you have more of a imagination and open mind because as you grow older the mind starts making things difficult. so thats why i like to hear everything.
update on tank: i have gotten evrything setup and now my tank is running and tank is still cloudy. :happyfish im thinking of going with some halogen lights or midnight blue lights havent decided. i have also decided to get a either a dragon or jewel moral eel i already have a SFL eel and hes very fat in my other tank.


I definitely think you should keep listening to all suggestions. It seemed like you were really getting taken in by cartmas suggestions though and they were flawed. You should stick with something less aggressive than the hawaiian for your first fish eating eel, esp if you intend to keep it with a SFE or fish. The jeweled morays are beautiful and are much easier to work around. Also, if by a fluke it dies you aren't out $1,000. If later you decide you love eels, get the hawaiin dragon. You will have more experience and will know your tastes more.


New Member
i know you were
i do want an eel tht is very active and not shy
i talked to lfs guy and he can get me anything at very good price even the dragon moray i can get really cheap.its kewl being friends with him cause i can get anything really cheap.


This is a great eel, but it could easily take out a flame angel. You are in a bad way for combinging fish eating eels with fish. This eel would go great with a SFE though and maybe you could get some fast damsels. Less heart-ache if he eats them.


See, when you say dragon moray it is confusing. There is no real dragon moray. There is the hawaiin dragon and the japanese dragon. The brazilian dragon or plain dragon eel is really the jewel moray. I think you should get the eels you want and then put them in with some chromis or damsels to see how they behave around fish.


New Member
right now my SF eel is with two damsels(yellow tailed and velvet) and another fish. he gets along great with them until feeding time lol. those fish dont mess with his food or he goes after them for a little bit and acts like he going to eat them


SFE's are very good about not attacking tankmates. Though you moght not get as lucky with the Jewel or any other fish eating eel. Take some pics when you get a chance.


If you want fish aswell as eels go with a chainlink , snow flake, zebra or any eel with rounded teath. These eels are primarily invert eaters and usually dont bother fish of equal or greater size. You might be able to fit two in a 75 gallon (except zebra) but in my opinion that would make a boring display since you would not be able to add any more fish. The hawains and morays as you can tell by the shape of there teeth are fish eaters and can tear into even some of the largest fish available in the aquarium trade( inlcuding lions). You could only get one in a tank your size.
I would either just go ahead and spend the money and get the Hawian Moray( since it will be the only fish in your tank and it has alot of color and personality) or go with a more peaceful eel and add a few fish.