I recommend a lot of live rock for every tank, reef and just fish. In my 210, I have 275 lbs. of live rock. I just think rock looks better and it gives the fish more to pick off and protect themselves with.
:notsure: no but i put a peice of krill in his cave at nite and in the morning its gone and hes gone almost 2 weeks without food if he hasnt been eating that..i've never actually seen him eat but i've feed, garlice brine shrimp, frozen squid, and krill...but he looks really healthy and more colors have come out.. i dont get it..
ok the best advice I can give you is this.go on line research and look at pics of fosh you might possibly want to keep .you state you want a vol lion ok thats your fist step.now find a compatibilty chart and see what can be housed with a vol and tank requirments to each species dont worry about cramming them all into your tank at once,you dont want to do that remember how big each fish does get if the min tank size is 100 and you have a 75 gal dont buy it unless you know for certain you will be upgrading with in the next yr or so some fish grow faster than others and thats not always easy to tell which is which.next off be aware of your fish before you buy one do your research .I dont mean others oppions I mean accual research information fron experts.what may work for one hobbiest does not make is so for the next.dont waste your hard earned money on trial and error and last but not least be patient. and as always good luck