Originally Posted by Rylan1
Any issues with the two tangs??? I love the purple and will get one soon, but not sure about a yellow in addition to. My tank is same size as yours with similar inhabitants/setup
I would not recomend it. I consider myself rather lucky, i spent a great deal of time acclimating them to each other, lights only on when i was home and monitoring the tank, lights off at first sign of aggression this went on for first 3 weeks of adding the purple i did one time consider retruning him but things smoothed out and even nowi still get a tail swipe between the two once and awhile . Ive got them and i have no plans on getting rid of them so thats my delema i dont recomend them in a 75 gallon together that being said i do have intentions on upgrading when the right deal falls in my lap. for now they cohabitate.
the yellow was added first and became to dominate the larger purple was added as a non dominant but stronger fish so he was able to defend himself. right now id say the purple has taken the dominant role but the yellow is not easily pushed aside. right now like ive said they have agreed to cohabitat but they do not "Enjoy" each other. their bouts of agression are limited to the same types of displays shown when a chromi enters the clownfishes territory.