75 gallon for sale


hey everyone,i have a 75 gallon for sale. includes-75lbs. of live rock(purple coraline all over it),sand bed with 3" base(plenty of critters in it),had 20 lbs of live sand to get it going.--fluval 404,skimmer,5 powerheads,testing supplies and kits,3 lights 4' actnic and 2 10k white.--heater--tank has 2 thermometers--black oak stand with hood that lifts for feeding etc.,plenty of storage underneath.--titanium grounding rod,-powerstrips..10 gallon water change set-up,with heater,powerhead,airstone,therm.--food and dosing supplies also go with.-has been set up and running great for 2 years,very sharp and well taken care of..the residents that also go with are-6'' foxface(best fish ever!) and a aquacultered black and white clown(they hang out and swim attached - the hip,um,or gill,lol)red and blue hermits,various snails,2 cleaner shrimp that are very cool,feed by hand etc. always pregnant it seems. mag floats,feeder clips,nets,salinity meters(the good and cheap kind,lol).and everything else i forgot
taking offers ,i live in cincinnati ohio.may help deliver depending on area. would like to sell complete set up,not piece out.moving soon but need the extra room for now and will be setting up another larger tank in the new home...thanks for reading and ill be checkin in.j-key.


How much would you like to get for this? How many watts of light are on it? Any pics available? Interested but in northwest indiana...


not sure of a price,im just looking for a fair offer. i know whats invested in it,but dont have a solid price in my head:thinking: lights are 48'' strip lights,i have 3... 2 white powerglos-watts are 40 each 10k i believe.plus one actnic light.looks really good.plus i forgot the backround is painted blue,goes great w/ the lights.and no hassle with paper backrounds. nw indiana,well the fish might not make that ride,dont want to do that to them.not sure where youre at,but i can be in indy in an 90 minutes. oh,i need to borrow a digi cam for pics,will do that soon. thanks.


With reguards to my location, I am in West Lafayette. It's about an hour northwest of Indy. I think in 5 gal buckets or trash cans, the fish would be fine, water will retain its heat for quite a while. Plus they get shipped a lot farther than that when they are sent out to stores.


i'll take the tank and stand. but i don't need anything else. i'll give you 150 for it. i would usually offer more but i can get the same deal shortly at a lfs


georgia is too far...
not parting out,all together.
knoxville is a pretty good haul im thinking,but i can in ky in 30 minutes.(bengals stadium area)
work went crazy sorry i havent been on.ill check back friday. thx again all.:nervous:


I live in KY. 30 miles south of paducah... If you still have the set up will you be willing to take 350 for it? If so let me know.
Melissa:jumping: :jumping:


:D If you can wait a week, I'll give you $450 for it guaranteed.... And I can send you a heafty deposit to hold it for me if you like.....